Scars - Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter Fifteen - Aaron


"Uhm, when are we leaving?" I asked the next morning.

"In a few, let me just find the address," Derek told me.

I sighed and sat down on the bed.

I was going to see Annabelle today and I was gonna demand answer to why she left me with such a horrible man who tortured me my whole life. Her answers better be good.

"YES! I found it!" Derek yelled.

I rolled my eyes. "Let's go then!"

"You're impatient," he whispered to himself.

"I heard that!" I glared at him.

"Good," he smirked as sexy smirk.

God, what the fuck is wrong with me right now? Thinking all these thoughts of Derek. Don't think about him, don't think about him, I chanted that sentence in my head.

I put on my shoes and left the room with Derek leading the way.


Twenty minutes later, we pulled out in front of a big house. You know those old Victorian mansions? Yeah, one of those. And let me tell you this - it was huge. It basically looked like a castle, a beautiful, beige creamy coloured castle, with many windows on it, and the front lawn was big and green and beautiful. The gate at the front was open for us to enter since the guard knew who we were. We drove and then parked near the front of the house. Derek turned the engine off and got out. I got out as well. I took a deep breath and we both walked up to the big double doors that were a dark brown colour. Derek pressed the doorbell and we waited.

"Nervous?" he asked me.

I shrugged. I didn't know if I was scared or nervous right now.

We waited another few minutes and then the doors opened and appeared in front of us was young looking woman who looked about 20 years old. She had black curly hair that was shined, light grey eyes and skin white as the snow. You would think she was Snow White because of the way this woman resembled her.

She smiled a kind smile at us

"Hello. You must be Derek Jones and Aaron Reed. Welcome to my home. I am Annabelle Winters. Come in," she greeted.

[Sorry it's so short! i promise the next chapter will be a lot longer because well Annabelle is going to every question that Derek and Aaron have for her. And no, Annabelle is not a bad person! You will see next chapter. Btw, the picture of Annabelle's house is on the side! And thank you for voting and reading and becoming my fans! Make sure you check out 'Smile,Beautiful' too(:! Btw, there isn't 12 pages, there is 18 pages. Wattpad is just being dumb -.-]

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