Scars - Chapter Eleven

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Thank you for your patience! Here is Chapter 11! And you will learn who Aaron Reed really is! :)

Oh and should I enter this in Watty Awards if it's not too late? (:

Chapter Eleven - Aaron

Derek's house was amazingly huge and I fell in love with it because it was the type of house I always wanted to live in. Cream coloured walls, modern furniture, paintings, and special items placed on the walls.


I looked in front of me to see a cute little girl that looked about 3-4 years old. She had cute blonde hair that went down to her waist and she was wearing an adorable white dress.

"Hey Sammi!" grinned Derek.

"Who's that pretty girl with you?" she asked.

I blushed at what she said. I was never called pretty and yet I was just called pretty but this cute and adorable girl.

"This is my friend Aaron. She's gonna be staying here with us for now on," Derek explained to her.

Sammi grinned and came up to me.

"Hi! I'm Sammi and I'm four. Do you want to be my friend too?" she asked still smiling.

I smiled and knelt down to her size.

"Hey Sammi. Wow, you're pretty smart for your age! Has anyone ever told you that? And of course I'll be your friend!" I grinned.

She squealed with happiness and gave me a hug. It took me by surprise, but I hugged her back.

"Dee, let's introduce her to Mommy and Daddy and Grampa and Grandma, and Alex, and Chris and Tristian and everyone else! Oh! And my best friend Lily! She's my age!" she ranted.

Derek laughed at her. I stood up and looked at Derek.

"So," I said.

"So, lets go and introduce you to everyone," he smiled.

"Uhm, okay.." I said, biting my lip.

I followed both of them into what I'm guessing was the living room. I saw about, twelve people in here. As soon as we came in, every eyes were on us.

"Alright, well that's my mom and dad," Derek said pointing to a couple that looked young to be parents. "Thtas Tristan, Alex and Chirs," Derek said pointing to three guys that went to our school and were Derek's friends. " But you already knew that since you go to our school. That's my sister and her ma- HUSBAND, they're Sammi's parents. That little girl with my parents is my little sister Lily, and those three girls are my cousins," Derek said pointing to three girls that's looked much older than me. "And that's pretty much it since you already met Sammi," Derek finished.

I was bombarded with hello's and how are you's and welcome to the home of the Jones, which I thought was kind of funny, considering it kind of rhymed.

By the end of the night, I became friends with Derek's older sister and they're three cousins.

I've never felt so happier to be around people who called me pretty and that had accepted me to be their friend and join their family. For the first time ever, I was happy.


"Hey Derek, mind if I talk to ya for a second son?" asked my dad.

I shrugged "Sure dad".

I got up and followed him into the kitchen.

"So, Aaron's her name?" Dad asked.

I raised an eyebrow but nodded.

"You do know she's not human, right?" he asked.

"Yeah dad I know. I'm trying to figure it out but I don't know. I'm stuck. She heals quicker than anyone I've known" I told him.

He looked in thought.

"I recognized her scent. From some friend of mine who I knew ten years back. She used to live here before with us. I think I know who Aaron's mom might be," he said.

My eyes widened.

"Who?" I asked.

"Annabelle Winters, the leader of the vampires".

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