Scars - Chapter Five

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Chapter Five - Derek.

"Waaaaake up Derek! yelled my little sister, Lilly.

I groaned.

"Leave me alone Lilly!"

"NONONONONONONONONO! It's a school day! You HAVE to go to school! Come on!" she nudged me.

I cursed under my breath and I might have said it a little too loud because Lilly screamed, "I'm telling Mom!" and ran down.

I cursed again. I forgot I wasn't supposed to curse in front of my five year old sister. I sighed and got up to get ready for school.


"I fucking hate starting high school again. I've done it more than a hundred times!" Chris complained.

I sighed. "Yeah, that's 'cause we're werewolves that live forever".

"Well, why do we have to go to high school? Seriously, we've done it all before," Tristan said.

"Because people would be suspicious and we can't have that. They'd hunt us down and kill us. Well technically it'd be hard to kill us because they don't know how we die," I said.

They shrugged.

"Yeah, guess so," Chris admitted.

We entered the school and the day begin.


Aaron -

I blinked my eyes open.

At first I could only see whiteness and light, finally I could see clearly.

I was in the hospital.

Memories came back of what happened.

And the things I heard.

No one came to visit.

Not even my own father.

I sighed. I knew he wouldn't come either way. He was a selfish bastard. Suddenly, a nurse came in; I guess she expected me not to be awake because her's eyes widened in shock and disbleif.

"OHMYGOSH. You should be in a coma! Ohmygosh! I need to get the doctor!" with that she left the room.

I can't believe it. I wasn't supposed to wake up. So how? Agh! My head hurts!

Fucking hell.

My room door opened and in came a doctor in his mid forties with two nurses trailing behind him, one of them being the one that came in a few minutes ago.

"Well Ms.Reed, you ARE awake!" said the doctor.

"Uh, yeah? Why is it so bad that I'm awake!?" I was frustrated and I wanted answers NOW.

"You had a bad head injury actually and your skull cracked open. You have at least 15 stitches on the left side of your skull. Also, you weren't breathing. Well you were breathing, but barely," the doctor explained.

"Oh," is all I said.

He nodded.

"Do you have any family or friends? Because we need someone to sign some forms," he said.

"Yes, my dad," I told him.

"Do you happen to have his number?" he asked.

I nodded and told him and he wrote it down.

Derek -

"Hi Derek," smiled April.

I nodded at her.

"So, wanna have some fun in the janitor's closet?" she purred in my ear.

I rolled my eyes and pushed her away.

"Get lost April. I don't want to have anything to do with you," I said.

She frowned.

"Fine!" she screeched and she stomped away,

Agh, she's so annoying and a stupid whore that probably has a billion different diseases from sleeping around.


We laughed at him.

"Ha, come on little buddy," I told him smiling.

We piled into my car and drove off.


Twenty minutes later we arrived at the house.

"Hi honey, how was school?" Mom asked.

"Oh it was good, boring though," I told her.

"That's good. Need anything to eat?" she asked.

I smiled and shook my head.

"No thanks Mom, I'm good".

"Alright good. Anyways, there is a meeting tonight in the dining room. Be there alright?" she said.

"Yeah, I will. Have to be anyways," I told her.

"Kay, bye honey. I'm going out grocery shopping alright?"

"Kay mom, be safe"

And then she left.

I went to the living and sat down on one of the couches. I grabbed the remote and turned on the t.v.

I was skimming the channels when I came across the news channel. Let's see what's happening lately.

"Yesterday afternoon, a girl at R.D High School was hit by a car and was severely injured. Doctor Clemens had told us that she cracked open her skull and needed 12 stitches and that she was in a coma. This afternoon, she woke up and her cracked skull was completely healed"

I changed the channel. How can she be completely healed? That's impossible for a human. She should've been dead. She was barely holding on. But in a matter of 24 hours she was completely healed?

No she was human. Human's can't do that.

Unless she isn't one.

I need answers. And I intend to get them sooner of later.

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