Scars - Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve - Derek

"Annabelle Winters? What? Impossible!" I whispered.

He sighed.

"It's the truth Derek. I can see Annabelle's features in Aaron's. If you brought the two together, than you could tell they were related and you could tell that it's her mother," he explained.

Annabelle Winters. The leader of the vampires, was Aaron Reed's mother. And that could only mean, that Aaron is a vampire or was she?

"Dad, is Aaron even a vampire though?" I asked him.

He shook his head.

"I don't think so. But she's not human either," he said.

I sat down in one the islands chairs confused. What does this mean anyways? If Aaron was a vampire, then that would mean she'd crave blood. But she doesn't. She has blood in her system. I remember from her accident. Plus, she bruises and gets cuts like us too, by heals in a day or two. And her skull was cracked open, but it was completely healed the next day.

"Annabelle Winters is your friend, right?" I asked dad.

He nodded. "Yes she is, why?"

"Do you think I could visit her? I want to ask her a few questions about Aaron," I asked him.

He thought about it for a moment.

"Yes," he agreed. "But, you need to take Aaron with you. She would probably want to know who she really is too. You need to explain all this to her right now. Take her to you room and explain it all. I can trust Aaron like I can trust Annabelle".

"Alright," I said getting up. I started leaving the kitchen until my dad's voice stopped me.

"Explain everything to her Derek. What we are, what she might be -everything," he commanded.

"Yes, I will," I went back into the living room to see Aaron laughing and smiling with Jazz, Amiee and Carissa. I saw the glint of happiness in her grey eyes that once used to be filled with dullness and emptiness., that now it was filled with excitement and happiness. I was glad to have her here, to see her happy instead of empty and hurt. But how would she take the news?

"Aaron, I want to talk to you. Come upstairs with me?" I said.

She nodded and said quick see you laters and goodbyes. I gave her a smile and she returned it. We went up the stairs and into my room.

"Take a seat on my bed," I told her.

She did what she was told.

"Okay, I'm gonna tell you stuff that might kind of shock and freak you out, but please you cannot tell anyone about what I am about to you. Go it?" I demanded.

She raised an eyebrow.

"Okay, I promise" she said.

I gave her a small smile. I took a deep breath and began.

"Okay, well. I'm not human. I'm a werewolf, but you already knew that. I have been for at least, 76 years. Yes, we have eternal life. My parents are the leaders of the werewolf pack. We're not evil and we treat everyone the same. I've,uhm, been observing you for the last few days and what I noticed about you is that, well you're not human. You're a supernatural, like my family is, but the difference between me and you is that, well I'm a werewolf and there's a slight chance that you might be a vampire," I finished.

I took in her expression, it went from shock to understanding and then she gave me a small smile. She's smiling? After I told her what I am and what she might be? I raised an eyebrow.

"Why are you smiling?" I asked.

"Well for one thing, I kind of figured out that you were different the first time I talked to you about a few days ago because for one thing, you act different from everyone else. And I don't know, I just had this gut feeling you weren't human. Don't ask how I knew because I don't even know! Plus, I kind of figured you were a wolf when you burst into my house just a few hours ago.

"As for me being a vampire, well MIGHT be a vampire, how would you know?" she asked.

I stared at her in shock for a minute but I collected my expression and answered her question.

"Uhm, well my dad and I kind of think you're the daughter of Annabelle Winters, the vampire's leaders..."

"Vampire leader? Wait I can't be? I don't crave blood or anything!" she exclaimed.

I sighed. "That's what we're trying to figure out Aaron!"

"Oh," she said.

We sat in silence for a few minutes, collecting our thoughts. Aaron was the first to break the silence.

"Hey, do vampires and werewolf's get along?" asked Aaron.

I chuckled.

"Believe it or not, we actually do. It's just that we both want to protect humans. Yeah Vampires need human blood, but they don't kill a person. They actually only need to drink it once or twice a year and then they're safe for the rest of the year. They get their blood from the blood banks, not kill innocent humans. Vampires are still pretty strong then normal humans. Plus, my dad and Annabelle are actually really good friends," I explained to her.

"So, are there any like evil supernaturals?" she asked.

"You're curious," I smiled. "Anyways, yes there is. The demons. There is only three in the universe. Usually they stay clear of us, but you never know".

She nodded looking deep in thought.

I was surprised and kind of shocked really that she didn't run out of the room screaming and calling me a freak and liar. But I'm not totally shock because for one thing, she didn't freak out when I burst into her home.

"Uhm, Aaron can I ask you something?" I said.

She hesitated but nodded her head.

"Do you want to come with me to give a visit to Annabelle Winters?" I asked.

"Hey, why not? I want to know this person who's supposedly my mother. When do we leave?" she asked smiling.

I smiled back.

"Tomorrow first thing. But we need to talk to my father first," I said.

"M'kay," she said.

I was about to yell for my dad to come up here and talk but all of a sudden he came in the room.

"Needed me?" he asked, sheepishly.

I grinned and nodded.

"We've decided to leave first thing tomorrow. Do you have her address?" I asked him.

"Yeah, but you need a plane to get there so I booked tickets for you two for a flight tomorrow at 11oClock in the morning. Here," he said giving me a piece of paper.

I looked at the paper and sure enough, it was her address.

"Here's the information of your tickets to. Just printed them off," he said handing me a couple papers which I took too.

"Aaron, do you have your passport?" Dad asked Aaron.

"Yup, in my bag," Aaron said.

"Kay good. Now Derek, she already knows who you are and I called her to let her know that you two are going to visit her home. But the thing is, you two need to stay at a hotel because she has no rooms left for you guys, which she feels bad about. Oh Aaron, she's excited to meet you," he said.

"Well, so am I because she has a lot of explaining to do," Aaron agreed.

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