Scars- Chapter Seventeen

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Chapter Seventeen- Aaron

“Th-that’s impossible!” I say in shock.

There is no way, that Derek and I, are the King and Queen. No fucking way that, that could ever be possible in any way whatsoever. 

  “Aaron, it’s true. Impossible maybe, since we haven’t had one for more than five hundred years.  But the signs are all there. You have to trust me,” Annabelle pleaded.

I stood up and went over to the window and looked out. The scenery was beautiful looking out to the front yard of the house. With the green grass, the flowers, the statues and the gate, it made the house look perfect.

“I am not going to believe any of that at all. I’m sorry, but it seems too unrealistic!” I argued.

I heard Annabelle sigh and felt her come behind me. She rested an arm on my shoulder. “Soon, you will see,” she said simply. “And when you realize that, it might be too late”.

With saying that, she took her hand off my shoulder and left the room and left me wondering what those words meant. ‘Soon, you will see. And when you realize that, it might be too late’. What could this mean? Letting out a frustrated sigh, I left the room to find Annabelle to tell her she can’t tell Derek any of this.

Why? Because I don’t know how he’ll react. And because I just might be afraid of losing him.


[HI! SORRY IT'S SOOO SHORT! I promise the next chapter will be longer! Thanks for reading ! :D .BTW, I'd like to thank all of you for commenting and voting and also becoming fans! I really appreciate it all ! Thank you soo much. Also, you know Smile, Beautiful? Well, i was thinking of deleting it and writing a completely new story, with a Romance, Humor, and Sadness inlcuding a few twists! What do you think? Yay or nay? Let me know in the comments! Thanks again everyone!

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