What's this...?

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A week had passed since that day in the kitchen where *Name* and Prince Gunball shared a lovong kiss together. Of course things got a little busy with Gumball taking care of things being damaged by certain monsters, or when it came to signing certain stuff for important people. *Name* couldn't recall the last time she saw him was a few days ago. He had gotten so busy, they only got to say hi once or twice a day. Not really get a conversation going. She knew how important it was to make a connection with him, being they were to wed in less than two weeks. she sighed as she got out of the shower, then dried her hair, walking out of the bathroom that came with her room. Looking at her night gowns she took some time to decide what one to pick. She took off her towel then slid on her cutest underwear. It was a light lacy pink. It happen to be her favorite pair. she then walk to her mirror then began to brush her hair, humming softly.

*Gumballs POV*

I was walking down the hall, already in my PJ's. I hope *Name* wasn't mad that we weren't able to see each other much, but I was going to make it up to her with a nice warm up of tea, and a good chat... Following a good nights kiss. He blushed just thinking about it. As I approached her bedroom door, I took notice that it was open a bit. I guessed she went to get something, so I went in anyways. Boy did I regret it. *Name* was in nothing but her underwear. I blushed madly, hoping she didn't see me stand there. Glob Gumball! Why aren't you moving?!

I couldn't help it. Her body was glowing. The way her (s/c) was in the lighting of the room. I quickly turned around then went around and behind the door then knocked softly." *Name*? Um....may I enter?"

*Name* POV.

Mad soon as I heard his voice, I quickly put on my black night gown. It was a bit see through, but it was fine. Hopefully. "Okay...you can enter.." I said, facing the door as I sat on my bed. As the door swung open, he was oddly blushing and shaking a bit. I walked up to him, then put the drinks down on her desk, and kissed his cheek." Are you okay sweetly...?" Doing just that, only

made him more nervous. "I'm fine..... h-how are you....?" He asked, as I made him sit down at the e d of my bed." Well.... I've been bored out of my mind all week.... "I said, frowning slightly. Just by my frown? He snapped out of it, and took my hand" I apologize for that....it's been horribly busy.... I promise I'll make it up to you....!" He said, kissing my forehead, causing me to blush. "I know! We could go for a walk, then have lunch in the feild of many flowers." i could tell how happy he was, and it made me smile." That would be lovely...." Blushing softly, he then cleared his throat, then sat up straight." Well.... I guess we should get some sleep...." As he was about to get up, I took his hand softly." Um.....if it's alright.....um...would you wanna..... Sleep here...?" I asked, waiting for a reaponse, feeling awkward.

Nornal POV.

Gumball turned fed around and looked her in the eyes, blushing slightly." If..that is what you want... I wouldn't mind..." *Name* blushed but smiled. Turning off the light, then both climbing in bed. Gumball laid down, having *Name* slowly but softly rest her head on his chest. It was a new feeling having someone lay next to him. He wasn't going to say he didn't like it, because he did. He very muchloved her by his side.

It it was all going very well, until he thought of how he saw her. Only in her underwear. Her leg was wrapped around his waist ever so close to his thing. He bit his lip, thinking of something else, or at least trying to, then feeling her move her leg slightly. "Gumball....?" She asked, quietly, nuzzling into his neck. "Yes, dear?"

"so....wann tell me what you saw when you walked in, or....is little you gonna explain it...?"

That did it. He was now flushed. He gulped, ready to speak, only when *Name* kisses him. As she parted her lips from his, she smiled and giggled." I was looking in a mirror.... I saw you enter, but thought how cute you were being...." He blushed softly, placing a hand in her cheek, then kissed her once again." then.... I have the right to say how beautiful you looked...." *Name* blushed kissing him again, then again, over and over, until she found herself on top of him. They broke from the kiss, breathing hard and faces flushed. Gumball chuckled kissing her cheek." Alright....I think we shod get some rest.... l be here when you wake up..."

With that, they both smiled then snuggled up close, and fell asleep.


Until next time!

The Suiter.(Prince Gumball X Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant