Cranky pants = Baby Go Pop!

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*Name* laid flat on the couch, letting out a big sigh. She was waiting for Gumball to finish his work so he could comfort her. She sat up, well, tried too. She rubbed her tummy, making sure the baby was okay. "Mmm......Gumball! Hurry up!" She whined, walking into his study. He looked up from his paper work, and smiled softly. "I'm almost done, honey.... Just a few more papers then I'm finished..." She pouted softly, then laid back down. "Well.... If I have to wait, you don't get cuddles tonight."
He put down his pen, looking towards her." Honey, this is very important work. I have to get it done today." He said, going back to work. *Name* whimpered softly, standing up, then walking outbid the room. "You don't love me....!" She cried, finally gone. Gumball sighed, getting up from his seat, then followed her. He knew he shouldn't let her win, but I felt bad. She was on her last month, and it was hard for her to get around. They had so many stairs.

He finally caught up with her, picking her up, and carrying her back to his study. "You don't need to be a crank butt, you know...." He kissed her cheek, and she pouted some more, looking away from him. " *Name*...... Please...? Are we doing this now?"
He put her down on the couch, then sat next to her.
She folded her arms facing away from him.

"Fine." He said, getting up, the finishing his paper work.

After a few more hours, *Name* fell asleep on the couch. Gumball had picked her up, and carried her to bed. He laid her down, then changed her into her night gown then changed himself.

He laid down next to her, then snuggled up close, having his leg wrapped around hers, and a hand on her tummy. She soon cuddled up to him in her sleep, nuzzling into his neck.

After a few hours into the night, *Name* felt a bit of discomfort. She sat up, and felt a bit of pain. She hoped that this pain was just a back pain, but then felt the bed. It was wet. She was 100% sure she didn't wet her self.

She shook Gumball roughly, having him groan, then sit up. "What....?" He asked, not fully awake. "Um...... Can we get the doctor? I'm not sure if my water just broke..."

With that, his mouth dropped, and eyes shot open. "The baby is coming!!! Eeeeeee!!" He jumped out of bed, and called the doctor.

Only minutes shorty, they arrived and made it clear that the baby was indeed coming.

Gumball was acting like a child about to go to Disney land.

But of course, he stayed by her side, giving her all the support she needed, including almost breaking his hand.

After hours of hard labour and pushing, the room went silent. The only thing that could be heard was small whimpers. The doctors gave them the room, after cleaning the baby off, then handing it to Gumball.

He was practically close to tears just by hold it.

*Name* took a few deep breaths, then sat up. He sat beside her, letting her lean on his shoulder, and look at their baby.

They didn't even look at the gender. Gumball took a peak for her, then smiled. "Well.... Looks like we have a prince here~" he said, looking down at him. He defiantly had Gumballs hair. He smelt good too.
"Oh.....a baby boy.... He's just so...sweet~"

"Goodness! We haven't thought on any names!" Gumball panicked, then frowned. " don't worry.... We can think and name in later...."

" about..."


Okay. I suck at boy names. Help me.

The Suiter.(Prince Gumball X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now