The Fight Before The Ball.

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I feel like a fight needs to happen. Don't cry... I know I will.
On with the story.)

It was the day of the ball, and everyone in the land of Aaa was getting ready. The Prince himself had been baking treats all day, getting everything set up. He wanted everything to be perfect.
*Name* had a gown all laid out, and her hair was ready. She looked her crown, then picked it up, placing it on her head, looking in the mirror. She couldn't remember the last time she wore it. She didn't like wearing her crown, always worrying someone might take it, or she'll lose it. She didn't know how Gumball kept his on... Right. He's made of gum. Probably sticks to his head.

Gumball finally sat down after everything was done. The food was prepared, decorations were set. And the most prized piece was the ice sculpture he maid. It was two swans having their beaks touch, looking like they were kissing.

He got up, then walked to the kitchen, getting one more thing. As soon as he left, *Name* came down, her mouth dropped wide open." Oh my.... Oh glob.... It's beautiful..." She said, walking around and looking at everything. What caught her eye the most happen to be the ice swans. They looked so happy together.
"Maybe just... One touch..." She couldn't help but touch it. It looked so smooth. She gently touched the beak, then heard a small crack. "Oh no..." She saw the neck was cracking,then it fell off. After the head fell off, the other fell off. Then the body, falling on all the food, causing it all to to fall on the decorations, making some fall down, along with it getting everywhere on the floor. How did one touch become this.
"Oh no..." She said, as Gumball walked in, dropping everything, making her jump. "*Name*...." He said, as she bit her lip. "I-I didn't mean too...!" She said, hoping forgiveness. "It took my 12 hours to carve that.... " he said, taking a deep breath. He clench his fists together tightly, trying to hold his temper. *Name* put a hand on his, only to have it pushed away. She gasped, then looked at Gumball, who's face was now red. Not
Blush red, anger red. "It was an accident..! I just touched it once! Then... That sorta happened! I'll help you make another one, I promi-" "leave."
"What...?" "I worked hours to make this night prefect! Then you Gotta go touching everything!" He said, his face
Got redder. "You know what, you probably did that so this night couldn't happen! We're done!" *Name* eyes watered, tears falling from her eyes. She couldn't believe the way he was acting. This wasn't like
Him. "So...that's it then...." She said, stepping back lightly, her expression weakening. Taking smaller steps away from him, turning to the door, then opening it. She waited to see if he'd do anything, but nothing. He just stood there, looking at the mess. With that, she shut the door slowly, then proceeded to walk into the woods. Heart broken.
(I couldn't think of another way to start a fight, other than being cheated on, and I couldn't. So... Why not you mess all of his hard work?)

*Name* POV
I couldn't believe what just happened. He was so sweet and kind... I didn't expect him to end it. I figured he'd be mad, but... This? Maybe I wrong about him. She wiped a few tears away from her eyes, then sat under a tree, and began to cry.

*Gumball* POV.

After hours of cleaning up, and did a decent job of putting up some stuff that he pulled together before the ball, he went to his room and got ready. He looked in the mirror, then frowned. He remember this party was for both him and *Name*. To celebrate their engagement. He looked back at his dresser then saw the box. The box which contained a ring. He picked it up, and opened it. Looking at the pink diamond. He frowned some more, and sat on his bed, remembering how he yelled. It was all an honest mistake. "I'm such an idiot...." He said, sitting on his bed.

Only hours later to have a knock on his door. He got up, hoping *Name* came back, but only opened it to see Cake and Fionna. "'s just you..."
They looked at one another, then watched him sit back down on his bed." Aren't you coming? The guests are all here?" Fionna said, walking in with cake. "We tried to see if *Name* was ready, but no one answered" Cake said, sitting next to him. He frowned, then his lips wobbled a bit, then bursting into tears. "That because we broke up!!" He said, placing his hands on his face. "What?!" They both said, in shock." But why? You guys were so... In love..." Fionna said, comforting her friend. "I didn't mean to... It just...." He sighed then explained everything. They both frowned, but Cale frowned more. " I hope you feel bad! She's probably feeling awful! You freaked out at her, then told her it was over!" But before she could tell anymore. She looked at the candy Prince, who looked more hurt than anything."... And I'm sure you want us to help get her back..." He looked up and smiled a bit." If you
Guys can help find her.... I'll do the rest...."
With that, they nodded and hopped out the window, Cake carrying them and looking around.


I tried. I failed. I'm tired. Goodnight.

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