The Wedding.

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It was the crack of dawn, and the sun was just popping over the hills of the land of Aaa.
The citizens of the candy kingdom had woken up, preparing for the big day. PMM was making sure everything was set.

The alter was at its prefect perfection! With blossoms and ribbons on it.

The theme was white and pink, but a bit of baby blue. The seats were set, with a bar and the dance floor, alongside where the cake was all inside the palace. They were to be wedded outside, seeing the weather being so lovely.

The prince was getting ready in his room, then walking down the stairs, and outside. He took a big breath, seeing everyone being seated. He took a deep breath, having Cake walk beside him to the alter.

"You nervous, baby cakes?" She asked, looking at him as she stood beside him at the alter. He nodded slowly, and blushed." I already dead on the happiest day of my life...."
She smiled then patted his back softly." Oooh~ don't stress yet, Hun! Wait until you two have kids!"

That did it. He was ready to faint.

His legs turned to jelly, as he was told it was time. He gulped, hearing the song play for the bride to walk down. Of course the maids came first.

Then the maid of honour, who was in fact, Fionna.
She had her hair all done up, wearing a light blue gown. She kept her eyes ip, making sure she didn't trip on her feet.

As she stood on her place, the music began to play. Gumballs heart pounded, feeling sweat on her forehead. Cake dabbed his head a bit with a hanky, then stood, watching.

*Name* couldn't stand her heels, so she took them off before walking down. She enjoyed being short. She was at the prefect height to lean on Gumballs chest. She put her veil over her face, then began to walk down the aisle. She was glad no one could see her face. Just by looking at it, you could see nervous all over. She looked at Gumball. He looked so handsome. She guessed he wasn't nervous until.... By looking at his legs, yes. He was. She could see them shaking slightly.

*Name* finally walked down the long aisle, standing beside Gumball. He smiled at her, then she smiled back.

The man cleared his throat, then spoke. " Friends and Family of the Bride and Groom, welcome and thank you for being here on this important day.
All of us need and desire to love and to be loved.
Marriage is going to expand you as individuals, define you as a couple, and deepen your love for one another." They both blushed slightly, then let out a small chuckle hearing Cake go' sweet baby cake!'

They both locked their eyes into one another's, having the man join their hands together.
"Now..... Prince Gumball, do you take *Name* to be your wedded wife and Queen, to live together in marriage? Do you promise to love her, comfort her, honor and keep her for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and health, and forsaking all others, be faithful only to her, for as long as you both shall live? " he finished, Gumball looked her in the eyes, tightening his grip on her hand. "I do."

*Name* felt a few tears roll down her cheeks. She couldn't believe this was happening. She was about to get married... They may have only knew him for a bit, but to her.... It felt like a life time.

"Now, Princess *Name*, do you take Gumball to be your wedded husband to live together in marriage? Do you promise to love him, comfort him, honor and keep him for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and health and forsaking all others, be faithful only to him so long as you both shall live?"

Smiling brightly, she got a
Bit closer to him." I do."

With that, they face one another and blushed." I now pronounce you, King and Queen, alongside both Husband and Wife. I'm.." He chuckled."you may now... Kiss the bride, sire."

"With pleasure." He smirked slightly, lifting her veil, then was going to lean down to kiss her when she walked forward, and stood on her tippy toes, kissing him softly.

The crowd cheered and clapped for the newly wedded couple.

They held hands then walked down the aisle, and into the palace. Everyone soon followed, then they all went side and prepared to cut the cake.

As Gumball helped *Name* cut the lovely cake( he made it) she took some, and shoved it in his face. Chuckling softly, he did the same, but not as messy.

After everyone had cake, they all gathered around to dance.

The King and Queen were doing a slow dance in the venture of the room. Just enjoying each others company.
"I love you *Name*..." He whispered softly into her ear. She looked up at him, with a soft pink blush on her face. "I love you too, Gumball...".
He then picks duo and spun her around, kissing her passionately as he set her down.

Tomorrow was the first day as new royalty, and husband and wife.
Life couldn't get any better.
Well, maybe sooner when she told him the news.


Tune in next time! To find out!

Or try guessing.


Update tomorrow.


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