Ch. 1

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Rowan's POV
Last night Sabrina, Sarah, and I all had a sleepover, the next morning we decided to go the beach! "yay I love the beach!" I say

Sabrina's POV
I live right next to the beach so I suggest we go... everyone was so excited. I commented " I'm going to invite Bradley is that okay?" Rowan said, "sure, means more beach time for me!" I knew Rowan wanted to invite Peyton but she knew he would be to busy with his own friends, I feel bad for she has had a crush on him for at least a year and a 1/2...

Rowan's POV
I really wanted to invite Peyton, but he was busy with his other friends. at the moment Sarah said "I'm inviting Peyton" I WAS GOING CRAZY "oh yeah Peyton C." sarah said, I felt way better.

a/n: hi I'm Sage the
but anyways In this story Rowan is 15 almost 16 and Peyton is 16 almost 17 but everyone else is 16 okay bye, hope you like the story.

Sarah's POV
I said I was inviting Peyton, Rowan eyes
widened then I notice that I just said Peyton, I added Peyton C. Rowan calmed down, we all knew she had a crush on Peyton M. except him.

2 hours later
Rowan's POV
"ah, the fresh beachy air!" I say. Sabrina goes and sets up the stuff with Bradley, I shout "Omg Bradbrina is the cutest thing ever!!!!" they both blush and kiss. I wish I had something like that I sigh. meanwhile Peyton C and Sarah are in the ocean playing so I come and join them, as soon as I get in someone jumps on me.

authors note: HEY GUYS CLIFFHANGER! anyways I'm still getting the hang of this but I hope you like my story! my name is Riley and I truly just started so sorry if it's not that good but anyways keep reading!!!

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