ch. 17: deeper and deeper

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it was Uriah...
Rowan's POV
I was in the top room of the party, and Uriah walked in, I liked him when I didn't know Peyton, we kinda just stopped talking for awhile, but he is one of my good friends. we talked for a long time about how we found this spot, what happened during the few years we lost touch, and what happened to me in the hospital, when I looked at the time it was 12:06, I said we should probably go home, then Uriah said "I would love to walk you home" this made me blush.

Uriah's POV
when I was little I used to go up to the top of the building we were in, I walk up there to find Rowan, I like Rowan not just as a friend but she has Peyton and I respect that, she is so beautiful, her eyes, her hair, her smile. She told me what just happened with her and Peyton, even though they just broke up, I could tell she still had little sparks go off in her eyes when someone said Peyton. I walked her home, she said she was tired so I picked he up and gave her a piggy back ride, it was fun for her and me.

Peyton's POV
I lost the girl I love. I have to find her.

Rowan's POV
Uriah walked me home, he is sooo sweet. I put on some pjs, but just as Uriah started to leave, said "stay"

Peyton's POV
I finally get to Rowan's house, I go inside, to see Carmen, she told me to get out, but right when I was leaving I saw Uriahs sweatshirt, I knew it was his because, he use to let Rowan wear it, but when we started dating he took it back. I leave as quick as I can.

Uriah's POV
Rowan told me to stay so I did, we then talked then I kissed her, then we started to make out.

Rowan's POV
Uriah and I started to talk but then he started to lean in, as did I we kissed, there were so many sparks, then it got deeper and deeper...
it was Monday and I walked to set seeing Peyton and Olivia Holt, kissing I held back all the anger and sadness and went on with my day.
2 weeks later
Peyton's POV
I still love Rowan, but she was with Uriah, wait what am I thinking they couldn't have done anything bad. But I'm dating Olivia, she great but never as great as Rowan was. I saw Row today she looked so happy, then I saw her talking to Uriah, she was blushing a lot, I couldn't help myself but walk over and say hi to row, "hi?" Rowan said all confused "well bye" I say leaving "bye?" she said again very confused

Rowan's POV
I'm talking to Uriah I could hear him talk all day, I like him, I really do, he makes me happy. Just then Peyton walks over I started to feel sick, he said hi and bye, I was very confused. Then I started to talk to Uriah, "so that's was weird" "yeah" he said then continuing "so Rowan, you know that party, for Disney, and how we have to show up with dates," "yeah" I say with excitement "well I was wondering if you would come with me." "ummm no" I say all silly "WHA-" he tries to say, but I interrupt him saying "I'm just kidding I would love to go with you."

Stuck in LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora