ch.14: stay

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hi guys so it's like 12am over here and I'm writing this but there are probably a lot of spelling errors and I am very sorry for them... I have a idea on the next few, and THE SEQUEL!! okay read vv

Sabrina's POV
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE, GET THE HELL OUT" I scream to Peyton as Corey tries to calm me down, the Corey say "Peyton I think it's best if you stay away right now." "I need to know what happ-" Peyton's tries to say "what happened was, you being ur Dick self just had to go cheat on Rowan AGAIN! and she was so upset she ran outside with out looking, a storm of tears pouring down her face, and boom she was lying lifeless on the ground hit by a car ALL BECAUSE OF YOU" I say, "so please just leave"

Peyton's POV
Sabrina is screaming at me telling me to get out but I just need to know what happened, she tells me, choke on my tears, I see the doctors take Rowan back to her room, and a nurse come out, right before I left, the nurse said "who are you" to me I say "I'm a very good friend of Rowan's" Rowan is only 16 and fighting for her life, it's not fair (Peyton is 17) I should be the one In Rowan's spot, why did I do this. the nurse then says "please honey sit down" so I do as told, she then explains that Rowan shouldn't live much longer and that we all need to say our goodbyes. Rowan's family goes in first, they went in and out, you could tell that the Blanchards, could not take it. The order then was Danielle and Ben, Corey, Sabrina, and then me.

Rowan's POV
I decide to stay around to see what there is, my purpose for living, I see Peyton rush in, I try to go hug him, but no use, Sabrina starts to scream at him, I just want to tell her everything will be fine, but I can't. I don't feel good, I feel so lifeless, I watch the doctors finish my operation and take my back to room '236' the a nurse comes and talks to Peyton, the everyone else there, saying they should come say there goodbyes, I don't know what to do anymore. My family came I first, they all had little things to say like "we love you, and no matter where you go you will always be in our hearts" I love my family, next Danielle and Ben came in they were like my second parents I love them so much, "Rowan, you have been such a joy in my life, your a little, no BIG row of sunshine" Danielle says crying "we will always love you" then Ben talked, I loved Ben, I always came to him with my big problems, he always helped me threw them, "Rowan, your the best daughter a dad could ask for, its always hard to let go of someone you love so much, I want you to know that whether you stay or don't, you will alway have a place in my heart, you will always be my daughter and I will always be there for you" Ben finishes with tears coming down his face, the hugging Danielle as they walk out. Corey then came in, oh I love Corey, he is my best friend, I wouldn't leave him for anything, anyone, or any place . Corey has tears streaming down his face and it looked as if his shirts was soaking wet. he start by saying "Rowan you are the bestfriend a guy could have, we go together like the sun and moon, I want you to know that no matter how hard you fight and go threw things you can take It, I will be there for you threw thick and thin always remember that, Rowan I love you, you are my best friend and I couldn't ask for a better one, sleep well. goodbye" I can't leave Corey he is my BESTFRIEND! "Corey" I try to mutter "ROWAN" he screams, but it was just to hard beeeeeeeeeeep, "PLEASE DOCTOR NURSE HELP, PLEASE" Corey says as tear fall even harder, how could I do this to him, okay now Rowan listen up, you are a fighter you are going fight threw this you have to just try, please you have a purpose, so just stay and we will get threw this I say to myself, I walk out of room 236 to follow the doctors they take my to surgery room 04 it says at the bottom, for emergency with heart, no I was having a heart attack, when I tried to talk to Corey, the pain sorta just went away after a while, they did some more test to see if I was fine, when they doctors found out I was in a coma, the nurse told my family, and friends the nurse also said who didn't get to see me, and if they didn't they can come visit me now Peyton and Sabrina both raised there hand and Sabrina started to walk to room 236 I followed her, i gave her a great big hug, but she didn't notice.

Sabrina's POV
as the nurse walked towards us, Corey finishing telling me that she was having a stroke or heart attack, I wanted to scream and cry, I tear everything down, the nurse then told us "Rowan has had a mini heart attack nothing bad, we fixed it all up, but the bad news is, she is in a coma." she then said "if you have not visited her please do at this time" I got up and walked to her room i felt something, around me but I look up to see nothing, I then put my head down in disappointment, I start of by saying "Rowan you are my best friend, and you will be no matter what happens, I will stand by you, when you are sad, mad, even happy, I will never leave your side, how am I doing this, Rowan I love you, I love your clumsiness, your funny personality, and of course your amazing sweet kind personality, you are gorgeous, and defiantly have purpose in this world, you don't need to live for me but you need to live for yourself, but I'm serious how am I supposed to survive with out my best friend! Rowan you are my best Friend to the very end, you are my flashlight when I am in the dark, you and me together take on the world forever, we are seamless, I love you, I always will, your my best friend I said while trying to smile, but still had tears running down my face, good bye Rowan, see you later love you."

Rowan's POV
Sabrina is my best friend, she is my purpose in this world, next to see me was Peyton can I just die now, peyton came to my room holding a note I could barely see the note but it was the note I wrote for him, the one morning, we just got together and had an amazing night in the guest house, my heart melted I can't believe he still had that. he started to talk "Rowan I know you probably can't here me, so here goes nothing, I love you Rowan, I want to marry you, I want to be with you every second of my life, i want to be by your side threw hard, sad, happy, moments. I love you so much, Rowan I need you to live for me, I can't survive without you, you are the girl of my dreams, I can't think of anyone better than you, my love" he pauses and continues to say " I know you may not want to be here with me but I want to be here with you I love you so-" I slowly wake up hearing the last sentence with my own body, and i cut him of when he says I love you so much, and kiss him. it was a miracle .

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