Riding the Waves

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-3rd person POV-

"Operator Ash to my office please, and thank you"

Ash smirked in a sense of irony, popping up from the bit of wall that she was leaning on to type out an email, and entered Harry's office.  Pocketing her phone, she assumed a natural position, leaned against a section of bare wall, arms folded over her chest.

"That was fast"  Harry remarked, tapping a pile of papers onto his desk, straightening them out.

"I'm a fast girl"  Ash shrugged.  "What's the sitch?"

"While Y/N and IQ are on needed rest, I'm putting you in charge of locating and collecting both Xavier and our German doctor"  Harry stated, opening up his laptop, pulling up various files.  Ash blinked a few times.

"I wouldn't even know where to begin, but I'll take it up-"

"You'll be working with our newest members, Kali and Wamai"  Harry finished, pulling up the records of the Nighthaven ops.  Ash cocked her head.

"You actually recruited from a PMC?"  she asked, eyebrow raised. 

"I'll admit, I had always planned to recruit them, just wasn't sure when.  I had somewhat recruited them, under a minor contract, to keep an eye on Whitemask crossings in the Atlantic.  Now that this whole situation has arisen, I feel it was necessary for a full recruitment"

"I dunno"  Ash admitted.  "Nighthaven isn't exactly what you would call...humane"

"I agree with these concerns you have, Eliza, but for the time being, we need to be able to work with these ops".  Ash took a breath.  She knew Harry was right, she knew the steaks, what would come about if their target got what they wanted, and completed their plan.  She nodded slightly, taking off her sunglasses and wiping the lenses.

"When do I start?"


Another wave crashed over Y/N, dousing him in salty seawater, not that he cared.  He bore a smile the whole time, propping himself up on his board, watching as IQ paddled up to him, also pretty drenched.

"Okay, now we just wait?"  she asked, sitting up on her board as well.

"Not gonna have to wait long"  Y/N answered, nodding to an oncoming wave.  The two pointed their boards back to shore, starting to stand up, preparing to catch the wave.  As the wave came, they both smoothly stood, the wave moving them up and forward.  For a bit, they had their balance well, maintaining their stride.  However, after a bit, IQ lost her balance, wiping out, taking Y/N with her.  The two tumbled a bit in the water, before, essentially, washing up in the beach.  Sighing, IQ sat up in the sand, the water retreating back into the sea.

"Dammit!  Thought we finally had it!"  she spoke, standing up.  Y/N also stood, grabbing his board.

"Takes some time.  I'm learning right along with you"

"I'm glad for it"  she smiled, looking up at him as they walked up the beach.

"Not bad at all.  Only a minor fix" 

"Thanks Mark"  Y/N nodded.  The two had gotten lessons from an older surf instructor, by the name of Mark, who had been showing them the basics of the sport.  They paid for 3 hours, and that was closing in fast, and they are yet to have a perfect run, which is what they had wanted to do.  At least, as close as they could.

"So Monika, when you're riding on the wave crest, kinda get a lower center of gravity, almost like you're squatting on the board"  Mark explained, demonstrating on the sand.  "Engage your core, don't fully rely on your legs"  IQ nodded, visually processing the given information.  She got into the stance shown, and practiced engaging her core, using it for balance.  "Yes just like that!  That's perfect!"  Mark exclaimed.  "Now, Y/N, to steer on a dime, try leaning back more as well as in the direction you want to go"  Mark demonstrated this, leaning himself back and going each way he would turn in the water.  Y/N nodded, following IQ in doing what he was being shown.  "Nice!  Now then, for this session, we have enough time for one more run.  Make the best of it, and good luck out there!"

"Thanks Mark"  Y/N nodded, getting their boards.  The two waded into the water before placing their boards in.  Propping themselves up, laying prone on the boards.  IQ gave the signal, and they paddled out to the crystal clear turquoise water, keeping an eye on the horizon.  As taught, they attacked any crest head on, pile driving through the water and continued paddling out on the other side.  A few times, Y/N looked over at IQ, smiling as he saw a bright, smiling, laughing face looking back at him.  Eventually, they got out to the ideal location, and sat up, aiming their boards back to shore.

"Sure we got this?"  IQ asked, stretching her arms over her head.

"'Course we do"  Y/N answered.  "Just remember what we were taught, and relax"  IQ nodded, hopping into ready position with him.  "We got one, ready up"  Y/N spoke.  IQ nodded, hopping up onto her board.  As the wave came in, they felt themselves get lifted up, during which, they stood fully up on their boards, riding the crest with ease.  As they came to riding the wave's incline, IQ felt herself losing control again.  Remembering her lesson, she recovered herself, riding down the rest of the wave with ease, Y/N in tow.  They smiled as they rode the wave, no issues in sight, all the way into the beach, where IQ threw her hands into the air in celebration.

"YEEESSSSS"  she cheered.  "WE DID IT!!"

"Amazing job you guys!"  Mark congratulated, clapping.  "See what little adjustments can do?"

"World of a difference"  Y/N nodded. 

"World of a difference...."  IQ repeated, thinking.  As Y/N thanked and paid Mark, who gave them half off as they were "the most enjoyable to teach in a while", IQ kept thinking about that subtle quote that Y/N had said.  A little adjustment making a world of a difference.  Maybe this vacation was that little adjustment, aiming to help her be a better operator.  At least, that's what Harry and Y/N have been saying.  She smiled a bit, contemplating this as they returned the boards to the shop, heading out into the sun.

"What are you thinking about?"  Y/N asked, wrapping his arm around her.  She shrugged.

"Just my mind wandering"  she spoke, looking out to the water, smiling.



"Island Dog?"

"A what now?"

"Island dog"  Y/N repeated.  "A hotdog, completely wrapped in a bun, with like coconut relish, or pineapple habanero, things like that"  IQ's mouth foamed a bit, picturing the hotdog.

"I want one"  Y/N chuckled, walking with her towards a large tiki-bar with her, kissing her cheek on the way there.

"Love you, my German cutie"

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