Target Secure

436 5 1

"Hello, Doctor"  Ash smiled, a bit evilly.  On her order, all the masks in the room, spare the German doctor they were after, were dropped instantly by Thermite and Wamai.  The doctor quickly threw his hands up in surrender, visible sweat dripping from his face.  Ash came over as the boys locked down the area.  "Oh stop sweating, we're not gonna kill you"

"Maybe not"  Thermite shrugged, getting a smack upside the head from Wamai.

"Not helping Jordan"  she shot, glaring at him.  Thermite only shrugged in response.  "Ignore him, he's...well, probably was dropped on his head as a child"  Ash rolled her eyes, looking back at Salvador.

"I can hear you!"  Thermite shot.

"Thats the point!"  Ash shot back.  "Anyway doctor, tell me, what is it you're working on?"  Salvador was quiet.  He was scared and Ash saw this.  Making sure he saw her, she unslung her R4-C and tossed it aside.  She upholstered her 5.7 and tossed it aside too.  She knew that she could clap Salvador in a fist fight if it came to it, but she didn't want to seem too intimidating, in order to get information.  "Look, I'm not here to harm for info.  If that was the plan, it wouldn't be me you'd be talking to"

"I only recently found out..."  the German doctor trailed off, still shaking.  Ash raised an eyebrow.

"Found out what?"  she asked calmly.

"That the White Masks were terrorist"  he got out, looking down, and taking a shaky breath.  "I was under the impression they were freedom fighters"

"Freedom fighters?"  Ash asked.  "Where did you get that notion?"

"That's what Xavier told me, after he pulled me out of that old fishing boat-"

"You owe me a new boat, by the way"  Wamai spoke up, looking at the doctor, who looked back at him sadly.

"And I shall fulfill that"  he spoke.

"One thing at a time guys"  Ash rolled her eyes.  "Why would you believe this?"

"Xavier said that government is corrupt.  No matter where you go, The States, England, France, Germany, Russia, hell even like central America.  By his words, 'The Government is lost.  Its up to us, the people, to usurp corruptness.  That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed-"'

"That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness"  Ash finished, word for word.  Salvador looked up at her surprised.  Thermite also showed a slight sense of surprise.

"Those were his words, yes"  the doctor nodded.

"The US Declaration of Independence"  Thermite spoke, heading over, Ash and Salvador looking over at him.  "Those are powerful words.  Read by someone like Xavier, with his...not well mindset-"

"Can only end bad"  Wamai finished.  The silence was broken by a loud BLAM, followed by a small steam trail, leaving a hole in the door, and two masks falling through the hole, dead.


"You want me to save your ass or not?"  the marksman snapped, then sighed.  "Look, your presence is now known, thats why I fired.  Troops moving in on your location"  Ash grumbled, collecting her weapons, and looked to Wamai.

"Fit him with a harness"  He nodded and started getting a harness on the doctor.  "Kali"


"Get Marius here, we're running a 22 pickup"

"Wanna let me in on the secret?"


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