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Cheers to the Limelight;

the place I long for, but am most uncomfortable in.

Cheers to Webster's Dictionary;

slowly becoming irrelevant, but still, I want to read it cover to cover

Cheers to Public Spaces, just because.

Curse you, Time.

and curse you again.

Curse you, Age

for making us ache for what used to be

Curse you, Beauty

for how fleeting you are,

for how you fade,

for the things you shun, and for what you force into the limelight,

but mostly, for what you live in, secretly.

I curse every beautiful thing that will age in time. 

I cast a spell on each flower petal. They will be doomed to wither and fade.

Spells on each drop of glistening water. Doomed to evaporate and later fall from heaven, again.

This is how I take control.

I could say, that the flowers die when winter comes.

Or, I could say that I am a witch.

but not a real, modern-day witch, more like a fairy-tale, burned-at-the-stake kind of witch.

The kind who can curse flower petals, and put spells on raindrops with no remorse.

The type to strips flowers of their youth, and water of its beauty.

I could say, that of course winter came, and cold rain fell. I made it happen y'know.

It was my magic that did all of this. The magic that I control.

Not Time. Or Age. Those unwavering foundations that life is built on.

What a silly idea.

To think I could control anything

Or, to think it wasn't already being controlled?

But here is the reality:

If I am being controlled then I would like to think myself a rebel.

And if I am the one in control, then I have caused this damage.

Each flood, and hurricane, and tornado, and earthquake that has ripped my life apart,

I created them.

I manifested them.

Maybe I, like I am known to do, have been punishing myself.

Maybe, I have waited until something good happens for me, then I unleash my hatred.

The girl in the mirror shares my sentiment

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