Growing into Enemies

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The screaming finally stops

and my ears are ringing.

I expected this to be more vindicating,

and while it's not what I expected,

I'm still not disappointed.

She's crying,

The pain, visible on her face.

For the first time, 

I feel like I won.

She was finally the first one to flounder for something to say.

She would feel the burn of swallowed words.

Now she would know how it feels to be unheard.

Before this moment,

sympathy was the only positive thing I could feel for her.

Now, there was nothing left in me to feel.

I was freed from a crushing weight.

She continued to cry.

for once, at a loss for words.

You should never turn your back on an enemy,

but I didn't care.

I turned and left.

To me, she was nothing but a defeated enemy.

But I knew I would be safe.

Because to her, I was just the daughter she couldn't love.

The daughter she could not bully into submission anymore.

The daughter who would not hear her apologies,

as they fell on deaf, and ringing ears.

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