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Your wrists are bleeding again, my dear.

The blood is flowing,

and I try to stop it with my hands,

but it seeps through my fingers

and drips onto the floor.

My wrists are bleeding again, dear.

You are trying to stop my bleeding,

but I am holding your wrists.

You're begging.

You just want me to help myself,

but I am trying to keep the blood inside your body.

You want me to love myself,

and I do.

But, only if I am loving you.

I need to know that I am capable of caring for something good.

Capable of nurturing something soft.

This sounds like something selfish.

Like my love is only as good as I want to be.

In truth, my love works the other way around.

I am only as good as I can care for you.

Only kind when I place your needs above mine.

I am only trying to become the type of person you deserve.

You love me.

You chose me.

As long as you want me,

I will be here,

 trying to become someone you need.

While also making sure that I am someone you could live without.

This means keeping you strong,

and growing my strength to match.

I never want to be without you, 

and you will never be without me.

Zoning out at Work VibesWhere stories live. Discover now