Help and Love

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She said, "Did your dad offer to help?"

I did not want to admit he hadn't-

Instead, "Why would he? It was my fault."

"Yeah, but he's still your dad."

I shrugged. I think what she meant was,

'You are still young. No one should expect you to do this by yourself.'

I think what she meant was,

'Were I in your position, someone would have helped me.'

I think what I meant was,

'I don't know how to ask for help. And there is no truth in 'ask and you shall receive'.

I spent most of my early years begging for help and receiving more troubles for my audacity of being young and helpless.

She asked, "Did your dad offer to help?"

and all I heard was,

'Doesn't your dad love you? Doesn't anyone love you?'

She said, "Yeah, but he's still your dad."

And it sounded like an apology

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