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Is it evil to wish for the death of another?

and before you answer, 

let me explain.

Let's say, hypothetically, that you know Someone.

This Someone has hurt others. 

Every person They have ever spoken to has either become a victim,

or an accomplice in the victimization of others.

Maybe, in your heart, you want people to be kind,

and be good,

and be gentle.

Maybe, in your heart, you know that people can not change.

Maybe you hope they can.

I know Someone.

I would not become the evil I have seen in the world. 

I will not make the fateful decision,

but I can hope for something quick to end the misery.

I can hope for a light to come and burn away the darkness.

Soap to wash out the stains.

A blank sheet of paper to replace the ink-scarred past.

I can hope he does not wake up tomorrow morning.

Passed in his sleep they will say.

People will speak of him fondly, but he will cause no more pain.

They will remember how he could light up a room,

and they will forget the fire that shed all of that light.

Without the flickering of that flame,

the shadows are back.

But, they are different now.

This darkness does not spread or corrupt,

It just gives you a chance to rest your eyes.

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