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It is a wonderful thing,

To find your soulmate.

Some have described it as a home,

but they haven't gotten the words right yet.

Finding your soulmate is like Walking into a house.

The outside looks familiar,

but the inside is not always what you were expecting.

And there are cupboards and drawers to discover.

and at first, everything is a mystery.

You will open doors, never knowing what is on the other side.

And you will find things that make you sad,

and horrified,

and indignant on behalf of the one you love.

And you cannot change this house, 

but you can decorate it however you like.

You can add something beautiful.

You cannot build a new wardrobe, 

but you can fill the drawers with inside jokes,

and shared secrets.

Things that you have never told anyone else.

You cannot start a garden, but you can plant a peachtree.

You cannot take down the shudders, or the fence,

but you can clean them, and paint them a new color.

You cannot peel the stickers off the wall,

but you can add your own.

You can buy new blankets, and nightlights, and cover the ceiling with glow-in-the-dark stars.

You can make this house a home, but you cannot tear it apart.

and you will find that you love it more for all its flaws.

That is love.

and soulmates.

Create a home where socks always come in pairs,

and plants are always being watered.

and your soulmate will do the same.

They will make a home in your heart,

and fill your lungs with life,

and paint the shudders a new shade of baby blue.

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