Through My Childish Eyes

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I have kept a wonderful secret since I was a child.

It is the secret of how to properly see the world.

I forgot it once

never again.

The secret is to stop seeing the world for what it is

See it for what it could be.

step outside

open your eyes wide

spread your arms


don't stop spinning until you have to,

and when you have to, stand completely still.

See that? 

It's the world.

All color and movement and dizzy

You will finally see the world properly for a moment.

But, like all the best things, this comes with a warning.

Know when to stop.

You are seeing the world through a child's eyes

through their rose-tinted glasses.

Do not forget who you are.

Who you had to become.

Never forget what this world has made of you.

This is for your safety.

For your sanity.

There are things about this life that we cannot forget

Things that can tear us apart if we let them.

Lose yourself in the light of childish eyes,

but do not lose yourself forever

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