4: Absconsion

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****** flash back********

"Are you insane??? This is Rajendran's daughter wedding!!! I am solely responsible for any mishaps, and you! my own fiancee is digging a grave for my career. " Ashwin shouted.

y/n, who was slapped by him the second he reached her in the garden, is still bewildered; the slap still stings her cheek and her eyes are welling up.

"Look if she takes her own life after the wedding, it is also your sole responsibility to deal with that! I am asking you not to help me, at least just let me go!" y/n tried to reason with her angry fiancee. Ashwin again slapped her. She already fell out of love on the first slap.

'Do you think you are special because you are my fiancee??? If I have to choose between my career and you, I will choose my career. Call Ammu and ask her to come here at once!!" He shouted on her face.

"You already chose it when you laid your hand on me. We are done. Now, Mr. DSP arrest me for my wrongdoings. Come on! " She shouted back.

"Look I did not mean it is over but-- " Ashwin started to talk on a mild tone he uses to persuade her back, but not this time. y/n is tired of his sick manipulative shit.

"You know what? I'm not even listening. " She tried to remove the promise ring he presented her. It was so tight he basically shoved it inside her finger. Ashwin, seeing what she is attempting, grabbed her hand. 'Don't take it too far, y/n. I want to live hundred years with you."

"oh fuck you."

It is then she become aware of a man approaching her with a gun on his hand.

Ashwin, within his ten years of service, has managed to make all shady men to think twice before going against him. All men but Ram. Because Ram is not shady, he is idolized in the state.

Every time he catches Anbu driving with his men, he so wanted to smash his jeep and grab his collar and beat him up in the streets. But Anbu beat him up that day.

And also got his fiancee.

'If he ever lays a finger on her, I swear..." Ashwin lost his cool on his head quarters, startling all other police men.


"ei, take these. Dress up and come." Anbu thrusted two full bags of clothes into y/n's hands. Since she was basically carried away to Bali, Ammu asked to let them go shopping. But the men did not trust them both. Instead Anbu went to a mall to shop for them.

Also, Anbu felt it is dangerous since Ammu's father might have men looking for her and Raja everywhere, and he does not trust y/n in general.

'Did you bought me uniform? Why all of them are in blues and whites?' y/n asked to which Anbu turned around, 'be grateful you did not stuck in my room back in Tamil Nadu." He then shut the door and left.



"Whoa did you ask Anbu to pick you blues and whites??? " Ammu, inspecting the clothes asked me laughing. I threw my hands on the air in contempt. 'Like that guy is Pepsi Uma, he asks what I like and want!! He asked me to be grateful he did not lock me in his room- ah! That son of a--' Ammu's sudden crack of laughter stopped y/n.

Ammu has a blue satin lingerie with lace details on her hand. He had picked four sets of different colours of the same model. y/n's face heat up. Raja, sitting on the corner of the room stacking up essentials, tries to contain his laughter. He awkwardly exits the door knowing his presence makes it more awkward for the girls. The girls heard his laughter on the hallway.

Neeyum Naanum Anbe (Arjun Das/ Kalidas Jayaram/ Reader) - FFWhere stories live. Discover now