10: Intoxication

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"Is it alcohol?" Y/N asked as she inspected the glass.

"Grape juice." I answered.

I made Raja and Kingsley very drunk whilst I kept my consumption in control. As expected, they all went to their room to sleep soon.

"er, thanks for the juice." Y/N said.

"Iru ma. Enga pora?" (wait ma. Where are you going?" I said slyly. She was turned back, confused.

"Where is your phone Agni?"

"It must be so--"She stopped mid-way, realizing what I called her. Her eyes got big, and for the first time. I see actual fear in her.

Leaning on back side of our sofa, I took her phone from my pocket and showed.

"Just because I went little soft on you, you took me as a dumb head too?" I shouted and grabbed her wrist.

"Now be a good little girl and sit down." I said as I pushed her down on the single sofa, pulling a chair for myself in front of her.

"As much I want to beat you to pulp, I pity your pretty little face. So spill." I ordered her in low, cold tone.

Sweat broke out, and she's hyperventilating. I guess the powder is working.

"Where is the evidence? TELL ME NO-- hey are you okay?" I leaned in and slapped her cheeks slightly. She put her face down.

"Oh damn!' I immediately took her in my arms and ran to the jeep. She's lost conscious.


"How can you be so careless? Don't you care about your girlfriend?" the doctor scolded Anbu, who's eyes is still looking at Y/N's unconscious body in the emergency room.

"I did not know she would consume a lot of it..." Anbu continued the story of having a 'party' using substances.

"You idiot! The drug is not the problem! It has large traces of cyanide on it! Two more mgs and she would have died! Gosh you irresponsible idiots! This is the third case of cyanide poisoning of substance abusers this week." The doctor shouted helplessly, as she cannot report these underground lords.

Anbu's blood boiled.

Thirty minutes later, the local drug dealer is also on the same ward, with casts on his hands and legs and a big bandage on his head. He watched the man who beaten him up from several beds away, hoping the girl would open her eyes. If not, he was told he would be 'unalived'.


"Wa..Water.." the first thing that left my mouth without controlled. My vision is still a blur, and I was helped to sit up straight. They even kept the straw between my lips and stroked my throat, easing me.

"Thanks." I turned aside, now I my vision is much better, and I saw him. Immediately the fingers that stroked my throat grabbed it.

He put his finger on his mouth, and I nodded. Then he slowly removed his hands and carried me on his arms.

"Don't kill me" I whimpered.

"Shut up."


Raja's POV

"Anbu, if you listen to what I have to say. I won't be the one you'll be tying up." Y/N said and she looked at me.

"Anbu. Paavam da. Venam da." (Anbu, pity her. Don't do this) I said but instead he looked at me, feeling betrayed I didn't tell him that she is Agni.

As Anbu was busy tying her feet together. She mouthed, 'is it ready?'

I nodded. Now she will start her performance. 


" Anbu, for whom are you doing this all? huh?" I tried to sound ominous but Anbu looks like he is taking none. He instead took me like a rice bag and walked to the basement. 

"Anbu, hurting me won't get you anywhere. Instead you will have more problems." I said as he is climbing down stairs, descending to the dark basement.

He then threw me and turned on the single yellow blub. I wiggled like a worm, away from him.

He reached behind a wooden box and took a machete. He charged towards me, pulled the rope that's around my chest and pushed me to the wall.

My spine and head hurts on the impact.

The knife on his hand was up, as if he is planning to take a blow.

He then closes his eyes and puts the hands down, and quickly grabs my wrist and places the machette there, looking at my eyes.

"Where is it?" He said, slightly pushing the sharp blade towards my skin. I squirmed in pain, and he immediately pulled a little.

"Killing me will be the worst mistake Anbu." I said bluntly, while letting out a quick laugh, a 'ha'. It will confuse him.

" Your DSP can't do shit to us." He said as he grabbed my hair from behind and pulled closer to his face.

I laughed, "you are already planned to be arrested and put to death by law you stupid! Killing me, a journalist in undercover, will be one more point towards your inevitable capital punishment!" I said aloud.

"My brother will take care of that." he said, defensive.

"Moonji (In your face!)! Your brother is the one who came up with this plan!" I said and wiggled myself away from him and fell on my face as I lost balance. He was shocked.

'Hey  don't try to lie your way to be freed. Its not gonna work out." he said.

"Then why are you so tensed? Even you know that you are a scapegoat who goes to jail in place of his brother. How come you never expected that one day your brother want to enter politics, so he "sacrifices" you to cleanse 'his controversies'. Awh come on!" I said. He is half-way convinced.

"You want evidence? it is in my phone. Go log in to the website and find it! go!" I said, hoping Raja have uploaded the fabricated 'evidence' correctly. He went through my phone, while reading my face carefully.

After a while, he dropped his machette in shock.  Happada! en thala thapichadhu (my head is saved.)

"Your brother has registered a complaint himself, that you were misusing his wealth, and to take action on you, shifting all the blame on you! An entry to politics with 'honest, pure man who is impartial even to his own brother' image, mass idea!" I kept on going, so it comes off as natural. But I have to keep my mouth in check as I should not overdo it.

He slowly laid beside me with tears clouded on his eyes.

"I have left my passion, career, dreams, every little happiness ever since I was a kid for him. How can he.." He kept on going, watching the light blub hanging in the ceiling.

He is cracked.

"I never even cared to pursue you, because it would be a distraction, and just got drunk instead. ha... he was making me drink myself to death..." he went on.

"Ahem, care to untie me..so that we can have this conversation upstairs?" I asked.

His eyes turned to me,

"Even you would root for that right?" he said.

Time for strike two?

"Why would I root for death of someone I wanted to save ever since?" I said, with fake shaky voice.

His eyes read mine. 

Ha. Men are idiots. 

Neeyum Naanum Anbe (Arjun Das/ Kalidas Jayaram/ Reader) - FFWhere stories live. Discover now