6: Revelation

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The hand on the doorknob slid down. Y/N slowly turns around to see Raja holding a piece of paper in front of his face. He now sits in the middle of the bed.

"Give me that!" Y/N lunges forward to grab but he quickly moved his hand to the other side. She loses balance and falls on top of him, grabbing his arm with her both hands. He grabs her hair and tries to peel her away. But Y/N does not seem to budge.

"Kudu daaaa (Give mann)" She climbs on top of him and suddenly he stops fighting and freezes like a statue.

"enamo plan pandran. But Siruthai Sikum silluvandu sikaadhu da." (He's planning something. Even leopard gets cagged, never the locusts.) Y/N thinks.

In lightening speed, she grabs the paper and reads it still sitting on his abdomen, with her legs resting on either side.

"How did you steal this bond from our CEO's office?? " Y/N asked seeing the smirking Raja under her, casually resting his hands under his head. He winks at her and grins.


"Your ass was rightfully dumped, you pervert!" I pulled his hair one side as I get down and position myself. I lifted him up.

'You mistook me. Valikudhu vidu di! (It hurts leave me di!) ' Raja winces in pain. Ha! how you like your hair getting pulled from the scalp!

'So you know all about me and decided to mess with me? Aside from this, you do know who my fiancee is, right?' I said pulling his hair even more.

But symptoms of pain left his eyes; he seems satisfied with it.

"mmm More baby. I've been a bad boy. Punish me more." He moans, closing his eyes. His hand reached for my other hand and made me trace up his abs.

"The fuck???" I quicly unclasped my hand from his hair and jumped from the bed.

Realizing what he just said, he closes his mouth dramatically, with his eyebrows raised up. He looks like a toddler who said the 'f-word' in front of his mother.

I quickly hit his head with my fist and he grabs my hand, and the innocence in his eyes changed to a dark, cold stare in microseconds.

'"Don't'" his voice attained the lowest of bass it could as he pulled me in top of him. He continously mumbles to go away but his grip is too tight for me to escape. It's like he went into a trance- like state where his hormones took over his soul.

I slapped his face really hard. He moaned while massaging the sides of my hip. His nails dug into my skin and it hurts.


i can see his eyeballs move behind the closed eyelids. He jerks up and tosses me down on the floor.

'Shit! I'm so sorry but don't come near me!' He said as he quickly took a pillow and kept it on his lap to hide his much active lower region.

Y/N, got up, took the lamp beside the bed and was ready to attack if he ever decide to move.

'The fuck is this behaviour, Raja?' Y/N shouted.

'Can you understand my problem, now?' Raja said, with his eyes still down.

'No!!! Care to explain?' Y/N said, still holding the lamp high.

'There are certain triggers, that turn me into what you just um.. experienced. I did not want to scare Ammu away from me because of this so I'd just...'

'meet random women to satisfy the urge when you get triggered.' Y/N said bluntly, with a disgusting look on her face.

'Hey it's not like I get turned on by each and every women who fights with me. Until now it has happened with six women including you.' He said with entitlement.

Neeyum Naanum Anbe (Arjun Das/ Kalidas Jayaram/ Reader) - FFWhere stories live. Discover now