Ignorant of His Beauty (reader x clone)

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The way the golden light danced in the irises of his soft eyes had your heart longing for something you knew it might never obtain. In an instant you were stolen. Completely lost. Your gaze fell with the beat of your heart and raised back to him with the filling of your lungs. He would live in blissful ignorance of his beauty.

His brows ever-so-slightly arched downward as his lips twitched into a little smile. Your heart raced with heat that etched onto your cheeks. You looked away. His grin grew a little bit—you could see through your peripherals. Chin tilted downward, you loosed a breathy chuckle.

In a dream of better days and of a universe so renewed and peaceful, you could imagine that he would feel the same for you. But oh in the way that the galaxy breathed each idea into motion and conjured every star to shine just right, perfectly timed with the flicker of every street light while echoing in harmony with the song of the Force—you knew he wouldn't love you, but the warmth in your heart told you that that was okay. He didn't need to. Not if that would cause him any dismay.

But you loved him with the very being that was yours. In every breath was a cry to his beauty and his loyalty. You worshipped him not as a deity, but as a man whom you might trust to keep your mind safe from any harm that the evils of a war-torn existence could befall you. Though he did not feel this way, you could see in the gaze that met yours in any moment that he would do whatever one might require to ensure your well-being. That was his character, as was his morals.

So as you pondered your heart and his soul, you reminded yourself to never let him go. For a man who doesn't change his standards to be with one who cherishes him so is a man to follow and hold fast to whatever may come. And this was your friend—the friend who would never be more than this.


Thanks for reading this.  I know it's super short but I haven't written anything in a while so I had to prove I'm not dead.  I absolutely love writing in this style but it's stupider difficult for me to put this much detail into much more than a drabble, so here's this.  N e way, that's all folks ✌🏼 

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