Violin and Rain (Reader x Tech)

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Tech helps the reader discover their love for music.


Since you were young, you knew you took things for granted.  Time would fly and you would wave it off, only to wish it back years later.  

You often wonder how many stars have fallen from your heavy, unanswered wishes.

Darkness greets you with the sounds of torrential rain.  You stare at a dark ceiling for hours before finally hauling yourself out of bed.  The lights come alive as easily as you while you trudge to the kitchenette in your little house.  You make a mug of caf and meander into the living room.  Before you find a seat, an object on the table catches your eye.

Something shifts in the air.


You leaned back against the grassy slope.  Four rotations of waiting on this gorgeous planet and already you and the Batch had worked yourselves bored. You'd run out of projects. The Marauder was clean, everyone's gear was prepped and fully functional, the game plan for your next mission for the Grand Army of the Republic had been written out and you'd all been versed thrice from Tech. The Bad Batch would be in stand-by until the team on the other side of Naboo signaled.

The day was almost half over when you tried and find another project to work on.  Deciding the atmosphere was too lonely even with the four men occasionally coming up with some conversation, you stalked back to the ship in search of something that would make sound.   As you rummaged through Tech's tote of odd pieces and parts, someone strolled into the Marauder behind you.   By the footsteps, you knew it was Crosshair, but you ignored him.  You snatched up a little box speaker from the bin and began searching for the adapter so it would connect to a datapad.  The effort was tedious and you ended up strewing a mess of wires onto the floor. 

"He's gonna be upset if you lose any of those," came Crosshair's first acknowledgment of your existence.  You glanced up to see him leaning against the wall.  

You shrugged, "I planned to put them all away once I'm done."

"With what?"

"I wanted to play music,"

You continued rummaging through the bin without awaiting Crosshair's reply, and he gave none.  Instead he walked further into the room and, with those long legs, stepped around your mess.   You paused to watch him dig through one of his own bins, but you couldn't see anything he had in hand. 

"You can use this if you promise to give it back,"

Just as you opened your mouth to question, he turned and held out the cord you needed.   You slowly took it and expressed your thanks, which he naturally ignored.  He strolled to the shuttle door and glanced down at your mess with a little smirk, then left. 

What a strange man, you thought to yourself for the hundredth time in that week alone, staring at where he just stood.   You pocketed the cord and cleaned up your mess before grabbing the items you sought and heading back outside.  The breeze was a nice reminder of how awful that shuttle still smelled even after airing out for nearly four rotations. 

As you plopped back down where you were earlier, Tech eyed you from a few meters away where he typed on his datapad.  You met his gaze and shrugged off his confusion when he again inventoried the items you held—two of which were definitely his.  He opened his mouth to speak, looked back up at you, then promptly shut it and returned to his nerd work.

Hunter and Wrecker spoke in soft tones nearby, and you heard just enough to know you weren't interested in listening in.  You took a moment to look for Crosshair, and it donned on you to look left at the shuttle.  There he was, perching on the craft, watching over everything. 

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