Not Your Finch (1/?) (TBB and Reader)

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You are an unmodified clone, but not of Jango Fett.  This makes you very valuable.  As you find a way off of Kamino, things get interesting, and you get to meet a crew of defective clones on the run from the Empire.

Y/N: Your name

L/N: Last name

N/N: Nickname


You stirred, cold air slithering up your arm until you stuffed it back into a blanket—if the rough, thin fabric could be considered that. Your head pounded from a headache that begun at least yesterday, and you begged the universe to let you sleep for an hour longer, but the ever-moving essence that lived in all beings had other plans for you. The door hissed open, followed by routine footsteps. Before the Empire, you'd never dreaded mornings so much.

"Good morning, Y/N L/N. You need to—"

"Be ready in five." You finished his morning call before he could. "Thanks, Finch."

The trooper stood there stiffly for a moment before he pivoted and exited the room to stand outside your door.

With a sigh, you pushed away the covers and your plush doll, and summoned the will to get up and dressed. It took four minutes to be completely ready today so you stood by the door to tidy your bed. When you were born, you had been gifted with some sort of sense about the galaxy that you weren't sure other people had. You could move things with your mind, and though you kept it a secret, in times of quiet like this, you took a moment to practice fine skills. Perhaps one day that would come in handy.

The door opened and you dropped your plush, hoping Finch didn't see it. Well, you knew he didn't because he had tunnel vision—you were convinced of that. When the Empire took over, his personality was lost alongside the Republic. As you followed your lead through the halls each morning, it seemed that every clone had become numb. It used to be fun to watch them go back and forth, messing around, sometimes even pranking each other as they went. Now it was like watching droids.

Your guide took a turn and you nearly missed it. You stopped suddenly, staring at him with wide eyes. This wasn't the route you normally took in the morning. In fact, you didn't recognize the hall he was going down. He paused and turned to look back at you.

"Keep up, lab scrapper."

Those jabs were a new addition after the Empire as well, and they each stung. You remembered a time when Finch was your only friend. That seemed like years ago.

Fumbling, you turned to follow him, moving your small legs quickly to catch up. You didn't miss his subtle hand as it graced his blaster. That was when that gift or yours kicked in. Something felt even more off about him than usual. He was colder today, but something in his mind screamed to be free. Had he been ordered to do something against his will?

He opened the door to a room you'd never seen before and ushered you in. You stopped short of it, eyes darting around the room. It paused on the different durasteel drawers in the wall. There were several tables in there, a few of which had something large under a blanket. One of them wasn't completely covered—showing the face of a Togruta Woman. It was lifeless. Your blood ran cold. This was a morgue.

"Finch, what are we doing here?"

"Prime Minister said you need to identify someone."

His aura was covered in deceit. You frowned up at him, picking at his mind with your gift. He was hiding something evil.

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