On the Run (Wolffe x Reader)

697 16 5

TW - some horror elements / being chased by a Dathomirian (Darth Maul's species) / blood / injury / mention of m\rder 

Y/n is injured in an encounter with a man chasing her but refuses to go to the hospital as per Wolffe's request.


The door slid open with an old groan and the brave form pushed out into the thick city air. The sun dipped below the horizon long ago but the lights in the undercity of Coruscant betrayed the night and left the world aglow. She shielded her face from view behind a cloak's hood, not that she was a criminal with reason to hide, but humans were not safe in these parts—human females even less. She was not as desired as a Togruta or Twi'lek, but a target, nonetheless. Somehow she had eluded prying eyes and ruthless evils for many rotations as she hid in the depths of Coruscant.

She slinked along the darker edges of the walkway, attempting to stay clear of the crowds. She wasn't far from a clone bar called 79's, so this neighborhood was safer than most. No sane criminal wants to be spotted by a clone, even if that clone is wasted. The off chance that the clone is aware enough to contact authorities is enough to keep people away.

Well, the non-confrontational ones.

Her step hiccuped. She felt a pair of snake-eyes watching her movements. She feigned stoic confidence. It only took a moment for the cloaked figure to find the owner of the gaze: a Dathomirian man. He was quite far from home. Her pace quickened as those yellow eyes narrowed in on her face.

Look down, look down—she ignored the voice of self-preservation. That one had gotten her in trouble many times. Turn here, the voice continued. She glanced at the decrepit alleyway. No. She would not turn here. She carried on, head held high, walking onward. Her feet took her to the middle of the crowd, knowing her small figure would help to disguise her in the midst of so many larger beings.

Her fingertips graced the hilt of the blaster on her hip. She sensed the Dathomirian closing in on her. People behind her gasped, growled, and whatever their species did when disgruntled. She sped up to a brisk gait. Her heart raced, blood spiked with adrenaline.

Something grasped her cloak. She detached it and swung an elbow towards the man's horned head. The contact made with a sick crack and she bolted. Thankful for her heightened senses, she knew that it had stunned the Dothomirian. She could never explain what it was that caused her to be so aware of these things, but she didn't question the gift life had given her.

Another gift life bestowed upon her was speed and agility that most humans didn't possess without years of training. This gave her an advantage against the red and black man on her trail. She skirted the edge of the group of people, near the busy highway, where there weren't as many obstacles to get around. People generally didn't run close to the open air, so she drew many curious eyes. As she raced, she felt the man fall further behind. With a grin, she dodged a slow-moving Rhodian.

Just as she felt she had created a large enough gap between her and the man, her footing faltered on the ledge of the sidewalk. With a sharp gasp she fell. Before she had time to register what was happening, her left hand caught the edge and her fall was halted with a jolt. It sent a shock wave down her body. She could hardly believe the luck. Time itself seemed to gape at the impossible feat. As she hung there for a moment, she took the time to calm herself. The strain on her shoulder was agonizing. She swung her right arm up to assist the other. That no one helped her was no surprise.

She felt the man nearing her at a dangerous speed and prayed she could have the strength to get up. She pulled her body up, but her hands began to slip on the dirty platform. She tried not to panic, and let herself back down to hang limply. Maybe the man wouldn't see her down there. Could she hold on long enough for him to pass by? Her hands grew weary and she cursed herself silently.

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