Transparency Part 1 (Tech x Reader)

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Warnings - jealousy / injuries (slightly descriptive) / fear of loss 

Sometimes a little bit of jealousy can lead to a heartfelt confession.  Of course, if Tech would quit assuming everything is so obvious to everyone else, this story would be a lot shorter.


"For as sketchy as this planet is, these fries are phenomenal."

Wrecker hums in agreement, his mouth full of them. Omega giggles and eats another fry. A gesture for silence from you causes Omega to focus as you grin devilishly. You wait until Wrecker shoves more of the food into his face hole.  In a blink, you send a tickle attack at his side. He spits out the fries and falls out of his chair.  The crash, heard by everyone, turns all eyes to your group of three. Omega roars with laughter, breaking the tense silence.

"Ha ha, very funny," says the gentle giant. "I'll getcha back,"

"You declaring war, big man?"

Wrecker stands his chair up slowly and takes a long sip from his drink.  You nearly miss the twinkle in his eye before he shoots out an ice cube that hits you square in the face.  Gawking, you stand straight up.

 "Oh, it's on—"

Not long later, the three of you stand in front of Hunter.  Though he isn't technically the sergeant anymore, no one dares disappoint him.  That's why none of you can look him in the eye, food and drink staining your civvie clothes.

"Someone wanna explain this to me?"

"Hunta, I gotta tell ya," begins Wrecker. "The owner was wayyyy too sensitive."

"We didn't break anything," You add, picking a fry off of Omega's shirt and tossing it aside.

The kid laughs, "You shoulda seen Wricka's face when y/n threw a whole dish 'a ice cream on him!"

You and Wrecker simultaneously shush her. She smiles sheepishly.  Hunter's look of disappointed hits harder than a well-planned punishment could, but behind him stands Echo, whose tight lips and glistening eyes fail to hide his amusement.

Hunter sighs and says, "You got kicked out of the diner, we'll have to pay for any damages caused,"  He hushes you with a look before you can argue, "and you're going to delay the briefing.  Echo," He calls without looking back, "How dirty is the cargo bay?"


Wrecker and Omega groan, but you hold your composure, having learned a lesson long ago about complaining to a senior officer.  

"I think Wrecker has some free time this weekend for that after this mission is finished," He turns to Omega, "Tech has more to teach you about the ship's schematics.  And y/n," he raises his brow at you, "Cid has a few too many chores around here that might need attended to this weekend."

That's enough to make you show disgust on your face.  It's not that you don't like to be around Cid... but you really hate being around her.  Her force signature is laced with dodgy energy.  Not to mention her gripey attitude about every little thing.  Hunter seems satisfied with this and relaxes his stern expression.

 "After all of this," Hunter says.  "Who won?"  You smirk.

"Oh, it was definitely me, Sarge,"

Wrecker tuffed, "Nuh-uh! I got the last hit in!"

"But who ended up with more food on them? Not me,"

"Alright, you three. That's enough. Get cleaned up so Cid can brief us on the next mission, and make it quick."

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