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Hello to everyone who comes across this fic,

We started working on this fic years ago when we were both in school and it's safe to say it's pretty cringe.

Since then we have both grown as writers and as people, and with us, these characters have evolved into more fleshed out and complex people in themselves.

It has taken us a while to get to a point where we are happy with it but I would like to say that we have  completely revised the entire plot of the fic and created a new version that is up on our profile right now, we will periodically continue to upload chapters of the remastered version of this fic as they are written and we would really love if you would go to our profile and read it because this version is no longer the story that we want to tell with these characters.

We are currently undecided on whether or not we will keep this version up but this note is here to let you know just incase,

Thankyou to everyone who has read this fic and we really hope you enjoy the much new and improved version of our story <3

Many thanks,


To Neverland And Beyond *Old Version*Where stories live. Discover now