Chapter Eight

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Jessicas P.O.V

As soon as Will, Elizabeth, Jamie and I boarded the Dauntless, I started giving orders. I went to stand at the helm and placed my hands on the wheel so Jamie brought me my coat and my hat. She draped my coat, ever so similar to my father's, over my shoulders and placed my hat on my head. She smiled. "Captain Jessica, where are we headed?" She asked excitedly. My heart fluttered when she called me captain and I allowed myself a smile. "To Neverland And Beyond " I answered, excitement and anticipation bubbling up inside of me.

A few hours of calm sailing beside the Black Pearl went by and the sky gradually painted itself yellow and orange as the sun dipped on the Horizon. I looked up to see the sky above my head had become a cooler shade of blue, thats when I saw it. The Second Star to the Right. "Jamie!" I yelled and she rushed to the helm.
"Look slightly upwards." I instructed. As she did so I pointed towards the biggest, brightest star.
"Thats Neverland!" I exclaimed. She squealed in excitement.
"You will absolutely love it! There's so many things that are out of the ordinary." I gushed. It was time. I signaled to Jack to raise his sails and stop the pearl.

No P.O.V

Jessica tugged off her coat. She transformed for the second time that day and flew over to the pearl to give jack some instructions. She told him to take the small bag she had given him and turn it upside down, allowing the glittering contents to flow out onto the deck. It quickly covered the exterior of the pearl and the crewmates yelped and jumped ontop of barrels to avoid it.
"What the bloody hell has it done to my ship!?" Jack yelled in partial horror. Cj laughed.
"Just wait and see!" She chuckled.
She then flew back to the Dauntless and did the same. Soon both ships were tugging against the gravity that held them down. The moment that the ships were airborne everyone except cj started freaking out. Holding hands, Will and Elizabeth cautiously crept to the taffrail and peered out at the open sky.
"This is amazing..." Elizabeth breathed
"This is impossible." Will replied, disbelief lacing his words. CJ laughed as she turned the wheel and Jamie looked around at the sea below them.
"We're flying. We're actually flying. " she exclaimed. Jessica grinned like a Cheshire cat
"You better believe it baby!" She replied.

Jamies P.O.V

I peered down at Port Royal that was gradually becoming smaller and smaller. I giggled to myself as I imagined Norringtons reaction to see not 1, but 2 ships flying into the clouds. I just hoped he wouldn't try to shoot at us. I looked up from the ocean to see my dad at the helm of the pearl looking slightly freaked out. I waved at him and the rest of the crew who were huddling together around the mast with looks of total horror on their faces. It was glorious. I went to stand beside Jessica at the wheel. She leaned into my shoulder and whispered
"Wanna do something risky?" Acompanied by that sexy red-lipped smirk of hers. I grinned back at her
"Great. You need to move everything below deck, except for those two" she instructed, gesturing to will and Elizabeth.
"Aye, aye Captain" I said with a smirk and a salute. I did as she said then went back to the helm about 10 minutes later.
"You might want to hold onto something!" Jessica yelled at William and Elizabeth. They instantly scrabbled to the mast and latched onto the rope that was tied around it.
"Get ready" she whispered and before I knew what was happening, her arm was around my waist pulling me against her and she had rapidly spun the wheel abd was holing onto it as the ship began to spin around, sending us upside down and right way round again and again. I screamed as she laughed, enjoying the breeze that whistled past us. The ship finally righted itself again and she let go of my waist. She was grinning down at will and Elizabeth who were peeling themselves away from the mast, both of them looked a bit sick. The adrenaline pumped through my veins making me shake at the knees.
"Fun right!?" She exclaimed in her chirpy, innocent sounding tone. Will looked up at her, his face nearly white
"Dont do that again." He pleaded. She agreed and looked away.

I chugged a full pint of iced coffee before writing Jamie's point of view so its a bit hectic sorry 😅 -World_Burn667

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