Chapter One

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"Jamie! Get Up! We are docking in Tortuga in a few hours!" An over excited Captain Jack Sparrow say shaking the girl awake. "Five more Minutes." She mumbles into her pillow. "No, C'mon lass! Or do ya need throwing over Board?" Jack threatens. "you wouldn't." Jamie says looking at her father then turning away and hiding under the covers. When she got no answer, she was happy and started to drift back to sleep only to be interrupted moments later by being dragged out of her covers and thrown over her fathers shoulder. "Put me down!" She yelps as the cold, sea breeze hit her "nope!" Jack says stopping at the starboard side of the ship where Gibbs had a rope prepared. One minute Jamie was dry, the next her body came in contact with the cold salt water which had the whole crew laughing including Jack. Quickly, she resurfaced and gasped for air "Wait till i get my hands on you Dad!" She yells up to Jack, who is peering over the edge of the starboard side of the ship at her laughing at her. "Do me a favour would ya Gibbs and pull me up." Jamie says grasping the rope and pulls herself up the ship with the help of Gibbs. Once her feet were back on solid wood, she whispered to Gibbs and then, she shook her head rapidly causing the water on her dreadlocks to splash the whole crew. "C'mere dad!" Jamie giggles opening her arms and walking towards Jack who backed away "i think ill pass." Jack says holding up his finger hoping to stop Jamie but he realises she wont stop and starts running around the deck with her chasing him. Unbeknown to Jack, Jamie had a plan and once Jack was at the Port side of the ship Jamie shouted "Now Gibbs!" Who then pushed Jack over. As Jack resurfaced, Jamie shouted down to him "How do you like the taste of Sweet revenge?" "I shall admit, 'tis not as funny when it me." Jack says grasping a rope that Jamie had thrown to him and pulling himself back up. "Now, shall we keep going? Wouldn't want to keep our little friend waitin' now do we, eh?" Jamie says "suppose not. Raise the anchor boys! Jamie, go change!" Jack says walking back to the helm and Jamie nods,

Walking into the captains quarters and locking the door before opening her wardrobe and pulling out a pair of beige baggy trousers that go to just below her knees, and a blue sleeveless top along with a pair of lace up boots and a jacket that is the exact same as her fathers. After getting dressed, she draped her night wear over a chair and then sat on her bed and laced up her boots before picking up her tricorn hat and placing it upon her head and picking Jacks up too upon realising he had left it. The two hats appear to be the same until you look in the curve of one, in gold lettering it said her name. Jamie-Lee Sparrow. After picking up the hats, Jamie unlocked the door and hopped up the steps to the helm and stood beside her father and placing his hat on his head causing him to glance at her slightly raising an eyebrow. "Cant be Captain Jack Sparrow without ya hat now can ya?" She says with a smile. "That is a fair point ya have there, luv." Jack say. "So. Are the rules the same when we get to Tortuga?" Jamie asks "everyone knows us by names and face apart from the newbie. If they ask, your just a crew member. Who knows if they be trust worthy or not." Jack sighs. "Alright. Suppose ill be needing the other jacket then?" Jamie says "no. That one will do." Jack answers and Jamie shrugs.

After an hour longer at sea and Tortuga slowly came into view which caused the men aboard to run around like headless chickens as Jack started shouting orders to prepare to dock the ship. "I love the sea and the ship, but solid ground sound very appealing right now." Jamie mumbles, sat on the bow of the ship. "It would be nice to see a few new faces, would't it?" A chipper Gibbs says from behind Jamie. "Aye" she says with a nod when suddenly some of the crew rushed to the capsen and started pushing it counterclockwise to lower the anchor while others rushed to raise the sails as the docks came into view.

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