Chapter Fourteen

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No P.O.V

Jamie was sulking in her room the next morning when she heard Jessica run onto the Black pearl, yelling that they would all be doomed if they didn't do something. She heard her feet thundering below deck and some chest lids clanging before hearing her running back above deck and onto the helm right above her. She didnt dare venture out of her room for fear of what Jessica would say. Would she be mad? Jamie didn't want to find out. She heard muffled speech above her head that she could only just tell who was speaking. She once again heard the clunk of Jessicas heeled boots racing down the stairs then all the way to her door. She knocked twice.
"Jamie. I know you are sulking in there and we kinda have a situation if you will. I know you won't come out unless I bribe you with whiskey but first I just want to say that I'm not mad. Infact I'm quite the opposite. Now please come out and I will get you some whiskey."
Jamie was silent for a moment before saying in a pained voice
"What if I hurt you?"
Jessica was stunned into silence for a moment
"I am a billion percent sure you wouldn't."
"You have to stay at least a foot away from me if I come out."
Jessica sighed in exasperation.
Jamie crept to the door and unlocked the latch then pushed the door open. Before she could even blink there was a flash of red and Jessicas arms were around her in a tight embrace. Jamies body stiffened as Jessicas arms wrapped around her neck and her head burried in the crook of Jamies neck between her arm. Hesitantly, Jamie wraps her arms around Jessicas waist trying not to hold her too tight in fear of injuring the girl. Gently she rests her forehead on Jessicas shoulder and holds her gently as if she was a porcelain doll that would break under too much pressure. Jessica was first to pull back
"What on earth made you think I would stay away from you?" She asked cheekily.
"Well, for starters had dad not pulled me away last night I would have killed the lad." She sighed.
"Heck I'm impressed! You got closer to killing him in 2 minutes than my father has in 10 years!" Jessica exclaimed.
"I only came out for the whiskey." Jamie grumbled as they climbed up to the helm. Jack, who had overheard, chuckled.
"We all know that isn't true luv." He grinned. Jamie joined him at the wheel where he stood when Jessica dashed off to grab some whiskey.

"Jamie would you hold this for a sec?" Jack asked, thrusting his compass into Jamie's palm before dodging out of the range of it. The arrow spun behind her to the island for a split second before spinning and pointing north to the front of the ship. It then gradually inched east until it pointed north east where Jessica was climbing the stairs up onto the deck, bottle of whiskey in hand.
"Hmm... interesting." Jack hummed from over her shoulder.
"You know its just the whiskey." Jamie stammered as Jessica reached the top deck. Jamie snapped the compass lid closed as Jessica handed her the bottle and wandered to the taffrail behind where Jamie and Jack were standing, and looked out at the island. Jamie reopened the compass and watched as the arrow spun south and pointed directly at the girl behind her.
"Are you sure its just the whiskey luv?" Jack asked. Jamie glared at Jack, her cheeks burning and shoved the compass into his hands before moodily stomping away.
"Jessica?" Jack asked. Jessica spun around and stood next to Jack.
"Is everything okay?" She questioned.
"Everythings fine. Now would you do me a favour and hold this?" He asked, placing the compass in her outstretched palm. She peered at it in confusion as the arrow spun before pointing northwest. She looked up only to see Jamie stomping down the stairs to the left of her, northwest. She looked back at the compass to see the needle inch slowly north before stopping. She once again looked up to see Jamie speaking to will and Elizabeth in the exact direction of the compass needle.
"Very interesting indeed..." Jack muttered. Jessica eyed him suspiciously.
"I dont know what this compass of yours does, however when I find out-" she was cut off by a boyish voice calling from the jetty.

"Jessica!" Peter pan stood next to the ships mooring, hollering her name. She leaped down from the helm to right above where he stood, pulled out her pistol and pointed it at him. Jamie ran across the ship to stand behind her. Jessica groaned before yelling
"And what do you want!?"
"We have a problem!" He responded. Jesscia threw back her head and laughed harshly before retraining her gaze on the boy.
"Yes! And if I recall correctly, we were both present when the problem was discovered!" She shouted back to him.
"Whats he talking about?" Jamie growled lowly.
"Last night the heart of all magic was taken. If we don't return it to its place, we will be stuck here and magic will completely vanish." She explained, her face pale.
"Well what are we going to do about it?" He yelled worriedly.
"We!?" Came Jessicas shrill reply.
"Yes... we can't return it without you." He barely yelled. Jessica lowered the pistol. He was truly being sincere.
"Heres the plan. You and your lost boys search the island. We will sweep the coastline." She instructed. Pan thanked her then ran back towards the forrest. Jessica turned back to Jamie looking exhausted.
"So magic has stopped working now? Jamie asked timidly.
"Yes. Pixie dust has lost its magical properties, I can't transform, no one can fly... the list goes on." She looked truly worried.
"why are we standing here wasting time? We should start looking!" Jamie exclaimed before returning to the helm, dragging Jessica with her.

"To what degree of severity are we talking of?" Jack questioned Jessica.
"Incredibly serious. This doesn't just impact fairies, it impacts everyone. All of us!" She informed him.
"Well if we are to sweep the entire coastline I think we should split up." Before either could react Jack was calling the crew to attention.
"Listen up! We are all in a smidge of trouble so get off this ship and sweep the coast for any signs of..."
"Whats it called?" He asked Jessica.
"The heart of all magic" she whispered in return
" Yeah! Heart of all magic so We neeed to check the whole island! Groups of two! If you find anything send a signal with your guns!" The crew began to scurry around the deck. Jack then turned to Jamie and Jessica
"And you two, will be on the Dauntless alone, keeping watch of the cliffs incase you see it in a crack in the rocks."
Will Turner, who had been at the bottom of the steps to the helm then said
"Im not sure if that's a good idea. Those two, on the dauntless, alone." He argued. Jack laughed.
"And that, is exactly why its a good idea. Now go prep!" He replied.
"Jack I forgot to mention! If a human touches the heart it results in severe burns and sometimes death." Jessica informed him.
"Ah. I'll mention that. Now go to the Dauntless! Go!" He shooed the two away.

As Jessica and Jamie disembarked from the Black pearl, Will and Jack watched them leave.
"How is putting them on the Dauntless alone a good idea?" Will asked incredulously.
"Y'see mate, those two have the serious hots for each other, and I'm hoping that by putting them on the Dauntless alone, will give them a little push, If ya will."
"Well, how do you know?"
"The compass never lies. And gibbs told me that Jamie told him that she might possibly be havin stirrings for the girl. Stirrings which I imagine have intensified alot by now if I know my daughter." Jack grinned.
"Oh. Clever." Will replied, raising an eyebrow.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2020 ⏰

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