Chapter Thirteen

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For context, this is the dance with Peter Pan from last chapter and what happens afterwards all from Jessicas perspective

Jessicas P.O.V

I watched as Jamie walked stiffly over to Jack and begin waltzing with her father as Peter guided me to waltz with him, which I did not like.
"So. Captain. I would like to thank you for holding up your end of the promise." He said smoothly.
"Belive me. It is not my pleasure. Infact I am only agreeing to dance with you because you held my own values above my head!" I exclaimed angrily.
"I think you are being dramatic Jessica. Its not because I held your values above you, I think its because you are beginning to remember..." He said slowly as I became aware of his hand straying further from my waist.
"Remember what." I growled.
"All those happy years we spent together."
"I havent a clue what you mean. There was no happiness. Only hate and wrath." I spat. If his hand strayed much further, he'd be able to feel the dagger under the fabric. He looked shocked at my response.
"You really don't remember do you?" He breathed, looking forlorn, before his eyes widened.
"Maybe this'll help you remember!" He exclaimed hurriedly before smashing his lips to mine. Every nerve in my body screamed as the adrenaline coursed through my veins, giving me the strength the pull away and slap him in shock.
"WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING!?!" I screeched before slightly muscular, tattooed, tan arms pulled him away.

"Is that your hands on my girlfriend?" I heard Jamie growl as she pushed him against the wall, holding a sword to his neck and a gun at his head. My heart stopped in my chest when I heard those words. Everything paused as my brain went into overdrive and I was frozen to the spot in a sort of shock induced bewilderment, before a warm hand rested on my shoulder, thawing me from my frozen state.
"Honey come get a drink. Im sure her father will intervene if it gets out if hand." It was Rosetta. I muttered the only thing I could possibly think of as she guided me to the bar
"She called me her girlfriend." I practically whispered.
"Huh? You have to speak louder than that buttercup." She said as she slid me a pink gin.
"I said, she called me her girlfriend." I said louder.
"Is that good or bad?" She asked
"Well it for certain means she might be feeling the same way"
The garden fairies eyes widened
"You don't mean?..."
I nodded and sipped the gin.
"I mean..." I didnt know what to say.
"You mean you're in love with her arent you?" She breathed. I looked up from the gin at her
"...yes..." I finished quietly.
"Oh honey you should have said! I'd have gotten you a poofyer dress!"
At this I laughed. she smiled and gave me a quick hug. Thats when Silvermist popped up out of nowhere, taking us by surprise.
"Hey guys. Have you seen Tink anywhere?" She asked.
"No? I though she would be over there with him" I grumbled peering over my shoulder at Pan.
"Or not." Rosetta added, following my gaze.
"Well that's weird but she can't have gotten far." Silvermist said dismissively.
"Do you guys want to go talk to the others with me?"Silvermist asked. I looked at Rosetta wide-eyed. She raised her eyebrows at me before replying
"Sure, we'd love to."
I tried to calm my heart rate before I got up from my seat and walked over to the space where my friends were peering at me.
"What was the commotion about earlier?" Fawn asked.
"Oh. Um. Pan kissed me. But I didn't want him to." I offered as a short explanation.
"If that's the case, then why are you red as a cherry?" Vidia asked smugly.
"Its quite obvious really." She continued.
"Wh-what do you mean?" I stuttered
"That girl. Jamie. You were totally smitten with her yesterday. You were totally smitten with her earlier." She stated.
"Youre right." I confirmed shyly.
Iridessa began to speak but before she could, the earth shook violently and everyone in the room toppled over. A guard fairy flew into the room and yelled frantically
"The heart is gone!"

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