Chapter Six

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"And, that is the last of it." Gibbs says placing the last barrel below deck "Good man." Jack smiles patting Gibbs' back. "Actually, while we are here we have a certain blacksmith to see. Make sure he hasn't chopped off a hand. "Jack adds, turning on his heels to face Jamie and CJ. with Jacks comment, the four made their way to Mr. Browns blacksmiths.

Upon reaching the blacksmith, Jamie carefully pushes open the door and saunters in "William!" She hollers with the other three trailing behind her "William! If you are hiding I will have you a personal meeting with Davy Jones' locker!" She threatens causing CJ to stifle a giggle suddenly, a red faced William jumps down from the support beams of the roof. "I'm not hiding, I'll have you know!" Will protests. "You weren't in plain sight. that's hiding." Jack point's out. "Well, we were in Port Royal and thought to stop by." Jamie sighs. "William! What is happening down there!" Elizabeth asks, appearing out of the frame work. Suddenly, Jamie and CJ burst into a fit of giggles gaining confused glances from William and Elizabeth. "So the eunuch finally got some!" Jamie says between laughter, her and CJ leaning on each other for support. "That's not waht was happening at all!" Elizabeth protests "Wait, Who's that?" Will asks pointing at CJ who was still using Jamie for support as she caught her breath "That's my first mate, mate" Jamie says still grinning ear to ear all the while Jack and Gibbs watch the scene play out. "Captain Jessica Hook." CJ says taking her hat off her head and taking an overly exaggerated bow. "Ah yes how rude of me. CJ. This is William Turner and Elizabeth Swann. Just a few of our acquaintances." Jamie says as she catches William looking CJ up and down causing Jamie to growl slightly as his eyes stop at the hilt of CJ's sheathed sword and he looks back to her eyes."That's a pretty Interesting sword you got there." Will says slowly approaching CJ Causing her body to stiffen, her face to contort from amusement to seriousness and her hand protectively rests on the swords hilt as Jack helps Elizabeth out of the rafters and Jamie watches Wills every move cautiously. "May I take a look?" He asks. Carefully, CJ unsheathes her sword with a smirk as she twists it so the hilt faces Will who gently takes the sword "Careful, She bites." CJ grins amusement dancing upon her features as she releases the blade from her grip. Tentatively,Will looks between the sword and Jamie, and then lifts the sword to eye level and inspects the engravings and craftsmanship. "Where is such a blade from?" he enquires "Home." She replies mysteriously. "and where would that be?" will persists a little impatient. CJ grins cunningly. "Tell me boy, have you ever heard of the buccaneer Captain James Hook?" She states commandingly. "well yes but that's all legend." Will scoffed. "And pray tell, where did he sail to?" She persisted. "well, some place named Neverland, but as I said, that's all legend." He replied confused. "Well congratulations boy. I'm his daughter. Born, raised and sailed the seas of the 'legendary Neverland'." She purrs causing Jamie to giggle and smirk proudly. "How fascinating." Will says sarcastically and hands her the blade back, about to walk away but Jamie catches his arm. "You. come with us." Jamie demands which caught her fathers attention, who had been having his own conversation with Elizabeth and Gibbs. "What do you need him for?" Jack asks, Confusion laced into his words and written allover his face. "We have a Dauntless to catch." Jamie smirks "I don't get a say in this matter do I?" will sighs "Nope!" Jamie says gently grabbing CJ's arm and dragging the two away from the blacksmiths shop before they could protest. Once at the port, Will realises he can't get out of this and stops trying to escape and protesting. "So, whats the plan, Captain." CJ asks looking at Jamie "Captain Jessica, how would you like to take us to Neverland?" Jamie asks emphasising 'captain'. Jessica gasped and her eyes grow wide. "More than anything!" She exclaimed ecstatically. Jamie smirks cunningly. "Perfect." "So, whats the plan?" Jessica asks. "I know exactly how this is going to go." will sighs. "Follow me." Jamie says, brushing off wills comment and leading them to the side of a ship by the name of Neptune. "This way." Jamie says ushering the duo to follow her to the stern of the ship so they can board while going undetected. "Jessica, go up first, and hide and then we steal this ship, get tit out onto the water and go from there." Jamie explains despite Jessica already being half way up the ship. "Go!" Jamie says pushing will slightly who follows behind Jessica with Jamie close too. Once they all boarded the ship, they realised no one was at the helm so Jamie took the opportunity to run over and stand at the wheel with Jessica and Will on either side. "Don't panic boys! We are just taking this ship!" Jamie shouts over the hustle and bustle of the crew which caused them all to stop. "You're kidding. two girls and a blacksmith. How far will that get you?" A lieutenant laughs causing the crew to laugh. "You would be surprised." Jamie and CJ say in unison drawing their swords. "Now. How about you raise the anchor or we will kill these three." Jamie threatens as her, CJ and Will walk down the steps and hold their swords to three crewmen necks.

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