Chapter Four

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Jamie's P.O.V

Dad came to wake me again. I only had to be told once to get up and get dressed.
"CJ needs your help unpacking her possessions." He said. Upon hearing this I practically leaped from my bed and hurriedly dressed myself. I raced below deck to her small and slightly cramped cabin and knocked on the door. As she opened the door I took her whole appearance in. She was wearing a loose red blouse with a few ruffles and a pair of black trousers with a belt made with enough space for a sheath and some brown healed boots that went up to her knees. Her hair was hanging down her back in loose ringlets and she wasn't wearing her hat. What shocked me was that she wasn't wearing her eye-patch, exposing her left eye which very surprisingly was a different colour to the other. It was coloured like honey and when the sun shone through it through the cracks in the deck above, it seemed to glisten and swirl. She noticed me staring and smiled, looking down.
"CJ..." I breathed. She looked up to meet my gaze and blushed a little.
"Your eyes are different." I said. She nodded and quickly pulled me into her cabin shutting the door. She lean't against the door.
"Its called Heterochromia. Its a, uhh, birth defect." She responded with uncertainty as if she was unsure.
"Well its beautiful. " I reassured her.
"Do you know your new position?" I asked encase she had not been informed. She nodded
"I am honoured to be your first mate" She grinned and I slowly spun around her cabin. She had so many things!
"Woah..." I gasped. She had two shelves of books, maps and other trinkets, a large open chest that needed filling and three full crates and a fancy sword case on her bed.
"Do you want me to help you unpack those crates?" I asked, trying to be helpful.
"Yes that would be fantastic." She replied. She pointed to one of the crates so I got to work unpacking it. It was full of clothing. Blouses, loose shirts, leggings, trousers, dresses, jewelry and all other manner of clothing. Some of her bloused had two cuts in the back which I thought was odd so I decided to ask her.
"Say, CJ, why are there holes in the back of some of these shirts?" I asked. She looked up from her crate with wide eyes but quickly schooled her features into a smile.
"Its just Neverland fashion don't worry about it!" She finished hurriedly. I thought that was weird but I didn't press the matter and continued unpacking. We finally finished with the crates and put them on the floor so Jessica moved over to the sword case. She turned to me and grinned, her eyes sparkling, and said
"This is my baby" proudly. She unclipped the locks on the case and slowly lifted the lid.

It was beautiful. The hilt was coated with like a melted shimmering ombré of purples, blues and greens all melded together over the silver. The blade itself was etched with swirling vine like patterns which shimmered like a blue ember as she turned it towards the light. She lifted it from the case and brought it in front of her.
"That's a strange looking cutlass..." i said.
"That's because its a long sword. Its what I'm most skilled with" she replied.
"Where in heck did you get something like that?!" I exclaimed incredulously.
"It was made for me back home in Neverland. Powerful, beautiful and deadly." She described. She then took the sheath from the box and slid it over the blade then put it into her belt loop.
"Well that's everything unpacked." She said plainly.  I looked at her pointedly.
"Shall we go up on deck?" I asked.
"Good idea." She replied and with that I opened the door and we marched away.

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