Chapter Five

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"And that, makes you a liar Sparrow." CJ Says with a smile "Which one." Jack and Jamie say in unison. "Both of you. Jack, you said 5 sixes. The possibility of that it very low because there is only three of us. But, i was mainly saying that Jamie was a liar. Seven threes. That would make sense but not with jacks claim of five sixes." CJ explains "well. That would have to be my last found, luvs. The Pearl needs her true Captain and Master Gibbs likes to crash at night so, Tata!" Jack said getting up from his seat on a barrel and ruffling Jamie hair before walking away. "I think we should call it a night for Liars dice." Jamie suggests and CJ nods placing her dice in the cup and handing it to Jamie who had done the same with hers and Jacks dice. Jessica then stood and lent with her back against the taffrail so that she was facing the deck with a smirk. Jamie called Gibbs over and handed him the dice and cups before sauntering over to Jessica.

 "So your father?" Jamie questions placing her hand on the taffrail so that her arm was over Jessica's body. "Yes? What of him?" Jessica enquires. "The famous Captain Hook. Hand cleaved from his arm by but a little boy and used as crocodile food for such a beast that lusts for yet another taste." Jamie purrs. Jessica's eyes narrowed but the smirk never falters from her lips. "Indeed. That is he." Jessica says mimicking Jamie's tone. "So, what of your mother?" Jamie enquires curiously. "I could ask you the same." Jessica says coldly, the smirk gracing her lips had faltered at the enquiry. "I asked first." Jamie persisted, slight guilt littering her tone. Jessica tilts her head, looking out to sea with a sigh "Alright. I'll tell you. She Died." Slowly her hand unconsciously made its way to the hilt of her sheathed sword. "I never got to know her." She added clutching the handle tightly in her hand as it reminded her of the Mother she never knew. Carefully, she tilts her head back to Jamie, The smirk back on her lips and she clicks her tongue. "Now, what of yours?" she asks, curiosity laced her voice. "Shes dead. Shot herself when I was six as had my father." Jamie explains clenching her jaw at the memory that had surfaced. Jessica's eyebrows raised in concern at the sound of distaste in Jamie's voice. "What about Jack?" Jessica asks hesitantly unsure of the answer she would get. "He took me in. He was going to leave me in Port Royal but I suppose the almighty Jack Sparrow got attached." Jamie explains looking over to the aforementioned who was at the helm of the ship and Jessica's gaze followed. Jack notices their gazes and smiles while doing his two fingered salute. The two stood in silence for a while before Jamie nods to Jessica "We should be at Port Royal by Dawn. You should turn in for the night." Jamie says and Jessica nods before wandering to the stairs and going below deck. Jamie follows but goes to the helm of the ship where Jack is stood and glances at her through the corner of his eye before looking forward again. "What are you giving me that look for?" Jamie enquires. "You need to sleep, Luv." Jack says "And leave you alone? I think not." Jamie replies.

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