Chapter Seven

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"You thinks such an empty threat would frighten us." The lieutenant sneers and Jamie pushes the blade harder against the crewman's neck slightly drawing blood at the tip of her blade. "Pull. the. anchor."Jamie hisses as the crewman yelps slightly. When the crew don't move, CJ pulls her crewman's sleeve up and places the flat side of the blade against his arm just enough to burn him making him yelp. CJ turns to look at Will and grins "I told you she bites". Will frowns but shakes it off. "So what'll it be lads? Does this need to become messy? Or can we do this civilly?" Jamie threatens. There was a deafening crack over Jamie's head and she clattered to the ground. "Honestly Sparrow, you'd think you would've learned from last time." Norrington said dryly, lowering the butt of the gun that he used to knock Jamie out. Before he could even blink, Jessica had her arm around the back of his neck, pressing her blade to his throat. He whimpered at the burning sensation. "That wasn't a smart move on your part commodore" She seethed through gritted teeth. Will goes to grab Jaime's limp form from the deck. "Will, ready the ropes and get to the ship, I'll deal with our friend the commodore here and his men." Will nodded and draped Jamie over his shoulder before the redcoats could grab him and swung from the Neptune to the Dauntless. "Awfully cocky aren't we to say that when I arrest you, you'll go straight to the gallows miss...?" Norrington trailed off. Jessica Chuckled. "Hook" she finished for him. every soldier on deck stiffened and began to whisper. Norrington faltered in his stance. "well Miss Hook, you are under arrest." he said calmly. no one moved but Jessica, looking down at her feet and removing her sword from the Commodores throat. "Awfully compliant for a girl going to the gallows." He commented. Still looking at the deck, Jessica laughed. "It seems you are mistaken sir." She said, two bright, sky blue irises meeting his gaze. Jamie, who was now conscious, and watching close by from the dauntless, gasped. Jessica tossed her coat and hat from her body, throwing them to the Dauntless. The soldiers rushed forward to grab her but shrieked and covered their eyes when a blinding, sun like, glow enveloped Jessica's form. Everyone watched in shock as she began to rise. The glow began to dissipate, revealing Jessica hovering in the air, a beautiful pair of shimmering iridescent wings bonded to her skin. Will yelled "WHAT THE-" Before being cut off by the commodore yelling "OPEN FIRE!" Every gun pointed at Jessica and began rapidly shooting at her. she gracefully danced through the air deflecting every bullet with her sword before flying over tho the rope that bound the Neptune to the Dauntless and promptly cut it. Will had prepared the ship for sailing while the men were distracted by Jessica and was rapidly steering the ship out of the harbour on to open water. Jessica had flown to the crows nest of the Dauntless and was mockingly waving goodbye to Norrington who was still on the Neptune yelling profanities at the trio. "I cant believe I fucking fell for the Sparrows tricks AGAIN!" He yelled. From her position on the deck Jamie Laughed at Norrington. "Thanks again for the help commodore!" She hollered doing the two fingered salute.

Jessica descended from the crows nest so that she was just hovering over Jamie who was splayed out on the deck with an arm behind her head, looking up at CJ in bewilderment. "How?" she breathed. Jessica grinned before she practically sang "My Mother, was a Fairy." Jamie's eyes widened and she grinned. "I had my suspicions but this is way better than anything I could've suspected." she babbled. Will was staring at Jessica confused. "But I didn't think that fairies were rea-" he started before Jessica had viciously covered his mouth and had her sword inches from his throat. "Don't. Ever. Say that a fairy isn't real or that you don't believe in them because the nearest one will die. that just happens to be me." She growled. "If I hear those words leave your mouth ever, I will not hesitate to slit your throat, Turner." Jamie growls. "this has been quite the interesting and Informative day." Will mutters as the Dauntless pulls up to the side of the Black Pearl where Jack and Elizabeth were scurrying around. Jamie tried walking into the pearl but Cj stopped her by picking her up bridal style "I can walk! put me down!" Jamie whines in protest but Cj ignores her and carries her onto the Pearl, leaving a trail of a glittery substance behind her with William following.
"What the bloody hell is going on!?" Jack exclaimed.
"We stole a ship. And got shot at by Norrington. " CJ replied grinning sweetly.
"You stole a ship!? The three of you!?" Jack exclaimed, pride gleaming in his eyes. "Yep and Jamie has a slight concussion." Will piped up.
"How did that happen?" He asked concerned.
"Norrington, he hit her with the back of a gun" CJ replied.
"Im fine honestly! Jessica please put me on the deck!" Jamie shouted in protest. Cj landed on the deck infront of Jack and jamie practically leaped from her arms.
"And, err, why are you like that?" Jack asked CJ, eying her wings. Cj laughed.
"My father, A human. My mother, a fairy." She offered as a short explanation.
"Well the original plan was to let Jessica Captain the Dauntless and Take us to Neverland, if you're up for that?" Jamie enquired.
"On one condition, you let me bring the pearl too." Jack exclaimed in excitement.
"Perfect." Cj giggled and flew back to the Dauntless, took something from the pocket of her jacket and flew back onto the pearl. It was a small satchel of the same glittery substance that coated CJs wings. She dropped it into jacks hands and said.
"We fly at dusk, thats when the stars will be visible. I suggest that we sail until then" she instructed.
"Sounds perfect. Now someone should go back to the Dauntless so it isnt taken back by Norrington and his men." Jack said sternly. Four different voices volunteered "I'll go!" Jamie, Cj, Elizabeth and William all yelled. Jack looked over all four of them. And murmured a quick "ok". The four of them walked across the gangplank from the pearl to the Dauntless. As soon as Cj was on the Dauntless, her wings dissolved and her eyes returned to their multicoloured state. This made jamie frown in confusion.
"We are sailing soon. I dont need them right now" Jessica explained taking in jamies expression.

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