Chapter 16

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He wouldn't stop crying. Yul was still sobbing as if he had just lost someone to hell. He had stopped yelling loudly though and was muttering abnormally obsessed words to himself. I don't know how much time has passed. An hour? Maybe 2? For him to still be fighting back against my grip on him he must have tremendous will power. I was still attached to his back. My arms begun to tire at some point so I had to use my legs as well. I couldn't believe his strength. Finally. After what seemed like hours. He finally stopped resisting. His body slumped back onto my body and I could see from his face that he had lost consciousness. Did he just cry himself to death or something? I stare at his tear streaked face and sigh. Standing up I also drag his body with me and push him towards the bed where he falls gently. fixing his sleeping position into a more comfortable one, I plop onto the side of the bed near his head leaning on the cabinet for support. Wrapping my arms around my folded up legs, I watch the now peacefully sleeping Yul. His eyelashes were incredibly long and his skin looked soft. Without thinking I slid my finger down the slope of his nose and down to his right cheek. "You were throwing such a big fit and now look at you..." I say. My voice came out unusually croaky. That's when I spotted the drops of water falling onto my lap. Ah...

3rd POV:

4 hours had passed and it was 7 in the morning now. Y/n got out of the shower finally calmed down. She accepted Sian's anger towards her and her mind was no longer in a frenzy at the moment. However, the boy at her balcony was. He was enraged and his eyes were full of blood lust. He slammed the door open and walked towards y/n who just watched him without a sound. "You." He says as his eyes remained crazed. "What's up?" Y/n asks noticing the blood covered knife in his hand and then the blood dripping from his right hand. He suddenly grabs her shoulder with his bloodied hand roughly pushing her down. Y/n falls down without resistance as the boy sits on top of her with his knife pointing down at her.

She watches him without a word as the knife makes it way closer to her throat. "You're always in my way." He says as his pupils began to shrink. "Same goes for you though." The girl says after staying silence for a long while. Yul's jaw tenses up. "Why did you have to get involved?" "I wanted to protect Sian." "I was al-" "No. You are the danger Yul. You need to understand that the only reason Sian needs to be protected is because you're around her." Y/n bitterly says earning a punch to her left cheek. Yul had hit her with the hand that wasn't using the knife. Y/n stares down at the knife right above her throat.

"Shut up." "You're dangerous Yul." "SHUT UP!" "YOU NEED HELP!" Y/n shouts sitting up while pushing up the arm holding the knife. Yul flinches, surprised by her shout. "Do you even actually care about Sian? Or are you just after her because she was nice to you as a child? Do you not care about how SHE feels?!" With each question y/n's mask of indifference begins to crack as she pushes her face closer and closer towards Yul who just quietly stares at her with wide eyes. Squeezing his hand, she breaks through Yul's grip on the knife and lets it slide away. I know it's not my place to say these things. Sian should be the one yelling at him but I can't let him go near her again. The pure shock on his face was clear as day, however, "I'm not... I'm not doing anything wrong I just want to be with her." He lowers his head. Y/n recognized his behavior right away. It was similar to her auntie's after she had first tried to throw a knife at Sian.

Is he reflecting or denying? Y/n tilts her head to look closer at the boys expression. "Yul." In response to his name he looks up at y/n with clear eyes. She tries not to jump away from seeing his sudden obedience. "Sian is a human not a puppet." "I know that..." "Then how were you trying to gain her trust back?" Yul's eyes shine as he looks at y/n's calm and attentive figure. Does she understand..? "I didn't want her to be scared of me..." "So you dressed up like a girl?" "Yes." "And to do that you manipulated her into trying to rely on you?" Yul flinches. "I. I wasn't trying to..." His voice trails off as realization hits him. "I know you weren't trying to hurt her but that was clearly your aim." Why the fuck am I doing this right now? Y/n's expression turns sour at the thought that she was currently giving a therapy session to someone other than Sian and her Auntie. Okay let's stop, this kid is definitely the denying type I can't have another auntie around, it took 2 months to make progress.

Y/n comes to her senses as she realizes she was currently sitting with a psycho in her lap. "WHAH!" She shouts jumping back but his body doesn't budge as it crushes her kneecaps. Ah shit can he get off- Drops of water start to appear on y/n's thighs and she looks up to see a sobbing Yul. What the actual Fuck. "Hic." Y/n cringes internally at the sound of crying remembering how she had to keep Yul from running out of the door and accidentally murdering Yujin... or maybe Sian. Not again please not again I can't deal with another round of potentially getting murdered. She silently prays clasping her hands together without a care that Yul was watching her dramatically beg god for mercy. "I didn't know... I don't know! What am I even doing?" The sound of those words cause y/n's eyes to flutter open. She stares at Yul, her hands still clasped. Is this... your doing? Her eyes sparkle and shine as she looks up in the direction of the deity who had chosen to bless her. "Are you listening?!" A demanding cry shouts into y/n's face. This bitch... I'M THE ONE WHO'S TRYING TO HELP YOU DON't YOU DARE RAISE YOUR VOICE AT ME! Of course she says this all internally, not wanting to trigger the crazy murder alter within him.

After noticing y/n watching him again he begins to cry again. I'm gonna slap him. "There there." She says smiling bitterly while patting his back. After what seemed like forever y/n's hand passed out from excessive back patting and so did Yul. The knife looked quiet beautiful in y/n's view at that moment.

[Chapter sixteen fin]

Behind a line (Secret Alliance Fanfic) Yul&Reader [Enemies]Where stories live. Discover now