Chapter 8

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Yul's pov from last night:

I'll kill her tonight. He thought while clenching the knife in his hand. Standing up he runs to the door opening it only to see Sian and her neighbors walking to their rooms. "Yuri?" Sian questions the sight of a panting Yul with wig hair stuck to his sweat. Sian walks over to him as Hyunee and Seyu glance over their shoulders waiting rather than walking in. She brushes away the hair stuck to Yul's forehead and smiles. His face suddenly lit up. "Were you out for a run I didn't think you exercised so late at night Yuri." Sian says before yawning and turning away. "I'm going to go to sleep now I hope you and y/n had fun today." She finishes before walking off.

Wait. "How did you know me and y/n were hanging out today?" Yul asks skeptical of what y/n could have said to Sian. "She told me after the lunch bell rang when she came back to get something from my class haha." Sian laughs making Yul's face turn white. She planned it beforehand..? "Oh I see sunbae... have a good night hehe~ and don't worry me and y/n had a lot of fun today." Yul says as Sian laughs relieved before closing her door. A spying Hyunee and Seyu also close their door right after. Tch. No one was around. Yul took the chance to open y/n's door but unfortunately it was locked. Shit what now... An idea pops into Yul's head and he immediately runs back into his dorm slamming the balcony door open. Y/n's balcony was very near however the distance from the ground... not so much. Not caring about the consequences, Yul climbs the side near y/n's balcony and jumps landing on his feet. He dusts himself off acknowledging how easy it was before sliding the balcony door open.

There she was. Sitting against a wall while snoring. The crazy look in Yul's eyes quickly disappeared after seeing how easy it was to kill the girl right now. No don't get bored. This is necessary. Yul thinks while raising his knife and approaching y/n. He crouches down beside her, now being able to see the sweat beads all over her neck and forehead. Yul feels a fresh soap scent tickle his nose as he leans closer. He looks up at the switch next to the bed and turns it on. LED lights? Oh right the first day of dorms... Yul remembers how y/n jumped onto him at the sight and sound of the flickering lights. Now that Yul could properly see he grabbed y/n placing a hand on her back pulling her closer to him to find a perfect place to slice her neck.

Something caught Yul's eye as y/n's head plopped onto his shoulder. There was a large stain of blood on the wall. Where the hell did that even come from... He looks down to see that the red shirt y/n was wearing was even more red in the area her back touched the wall. He curiously lifts up the shirt and sees the skin which had burst into a jagged line. What the hell? Yul stares at the wound realizing what must've caused it. So she was pretending to be fine? Walking around like this the entire day... he slowly lifts the horribly tied bandage which was now soaked in blood. Did she even disinfect? This could cause an infection... WAIT WHY SHOULD I CARE?! Yul immediately grabs y/n's shoulders harshly pushing her back against the wall. "Hrk!" She coughs despite her sleep.

"..." Yul pushes a hand up against her forehead feeling the burning sensation that was on his shoulder earlier. A fever... After a long time thinking while still having his palm against y/n's forehead he stands up from his crouching position and walks back towards the balcony. The fact that she hasn't told on me means she's used to handling things on her own. Yul was now in his room rummaging around. So that probably means she won't tell anyone about me... Yul made a firm decision as he jumped back into the balcony completely rid of his feminine disguise. Let's see this bitch's limits.

Back to present POV:
As soon as I opened my eyes I knew I was laying on my stomach. However, the place my head rested on felt different. I push myself up feeling a headache rise and look up to see the face of a man. I flinch at our noses touching and he sat there calmly with one arm over a leg that was bent up and the other leg in a half crisscross. I knew immediately that my head was resting there. As soon as I open my mouth to say something a sharp pain ripples from my back and I lose balance from my arms hitting my head on the man's chest. "You're a bigger idiot than I thought." The man says grabbing me by my shoulders.

I look back up to see that it was Chae Yul. The same face from the poster on his ceiling. He was no longer wearing makeup to look like Yuri. He stares into my eyes as if to confirm something.

"So you knew." He says. "Yeah. Wait no." I reply to which he unpredictably lets out a laugh. I stare at him for a while. "Oh a dream-" I pause. He raises an eyebrow while leaning on one of his hands. No my back hurts... not a dream. I push myself away from him and stand up on my feet. Walking up to the mirror I lift my shirt and look at my back. "Do you have no shame doing this in front of a man?" Yul suddenly says making me flinch. "Oh you're still here." I say before turning back. There was no red? Only a nicely wrapped bandage. "Oh that? You're welcome." Yul says again. I turn my head. Realizing that he had to take my shirt off I look at him disgusted. "Leave." I say. "Kind of rude to kick out the person that saved you." He replies not moving an inch. "Don't you want to kill me though?" I ask. "No." He says after a long pause.

He changed personalities so fast. Is this the real him that i'm looking at. I tilt my head to take a better look at him. No. He's definitely up to something. "I guess you're right... How should I repay you kind gentleman?" I ask walking up to him. "Oh sorry. I mean m'lady." I correct myself. His face suddenly darkens and he coldly looks at me. "Oh are you leaving already m'lady?" I ask and his face turns back to normal. "No quite the opposite." He says grinning. "As your roommate I don't think I should leave you to be sick alone." Yul finishes before leaning back on my bed. I stare at him confused. "This is MY room..." I say. "And I'm your roommate." He replies turning over on his side. What the fuck is going on here.

I walk up to him and grab his arm. I tug on it and pull it towards the edge of the bed to drag him off. Suddenly, something wraps around me and I fall forward on the bed. The wound on my back suddenly starts to act up and I break out into a sweat. I was currently stuck to Yul as both of his arms were wrapped around me. One of his hands was pressing the wound on my back. My body tenses up from the pain he was generating. I look at his amused face. "So do you want to kill me or not?" I ask him confused by his two sided actions. "Not yet." He says and moves his hand away from my back. I try pull away but I can't. He was still holding me in place. I had never been more confused than I was right now. What is he up to. I repeat in my head.

"Sleep while i'm still letting you." He says. "Huh?" I say in return but only get my face crushed into his chest. "Mmf??" My voice was muffled. Should I sleep or not... I think to myself knowing this was an abnormal situation I shouldn't fall asleep in. I chose the smartest thing. I fell asleep. Just kidding I actually bite Yul. He lets out a small sound and sees that I just bit him. "Oh so you like that?" He says. I stare at him blankly. Whatthefuckdidhejust say thisguyisout ofhismind whatthefuck. After a long moment he sits down and sighs. "Guess that didn't work either..." He says and I also sit down. Was his plan to act like a..? That was gross I want to pass away. "Sian doesn't like whores." I say.

[Chapter eight fin]

Behind a line (Secret Alliance Fanfic) Yul&Reader [Enemies]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon