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"No, no, no, no!" Marinette said while jumping out of her bed. "I am going to be late, Tikki!" Marinette quickly got herself ready. While Marinette was running around in panick trying to find her books, Tikki was still half asleep. Before Tikki could say anything, Marinette took her and ran to school. In full speed Marinette right bumped into Alya, her best friend. They both fell on the on the ground. Alya and Marinette looked at eachother for a second and bursted out laughing. "You're just in time, girl." Alya said. They went to class while talking.

After class Marinette went to the cafeteria to lunch. She sat with her friends at the table. But then she noticed. There was one spot free at the table where her friends were. Right next to Adrien. "Shoot" thought Marinette. She gulped as she sat next to Adrien. "Hey, Marinette!" said Adrien. Marinette said shy hi back. There was a akward silence. Until Adrien started talking to Marinette. They talked for the whole pause. Marinette felt more comfortable as they talked, not knowing someone was watching them from a another table. It was Lila! She grew more jealous as they were being nice to eachother. She knew she had to do something about it. 

When Adrien and Marinette walked to class with their friends, Lila sneaked with them. Lila was close enough to Marinette to make her stumble. Unsuspiously she stuck out her leg on front of Marinette.  Marinette stumbled over her leg and was about to crash into the ground when someone grabbed her by her waist. Its was Adrien! He pulled her up as she got back her balance. "I think im gonna faint." thought Marinette. There faces were so close to eachother. "Are you okay?" asked Adrien. "Huh? Yeah, yeah. I am fine, thanks." Marinette murmered, trying to hide her blush. Lila was fuming with anger in the back. "This only made them closer!" said Lila under her breath. But then she paused. A idea came up in her mind to seperate Adrien and Marinette, forever. She smirked by that idea as she walked away.

It was end of the school day. To make Lila's plan work, she had to follow Marinette secretly. She held her phone in her hand to be ready to record Marinette's secrets. Lila always knew Marinette was hiding something. Marinette was always sneaking away. And almost everytime she was late. Lila had to find out what it was. She followed Marinette all the way to a alleyway. "This is not where Marinette life." she thought. Her phone started recording as she clicked the record button. A shockwave went through her body as a pink flash surrounded Marinette. Lila covered her eyes to protect herself from the light. As soon she opended her eyes, Marinette was gone! Confused she turned the recording off. Before she even took a look at the recording, she ran out of the alleyway. Her legs were all shaky. "Did she just dissapear?" Lila thought. "But what was that pink stuff about?" 

Lila returned back home. After a walk back home, she calmed of the shock. She grabbed her phone as she sat on the bed. Her hands were still shaky, but they were able to turn on the phone. Immediantly Lila went to look at the recording. The same pink flash appeared on the screen. Slowly the light faded away. Someone was standing there, it was Ladybug! In shock Lila dropped the phone. "No wonder that they were to same person!" Lila shouted as she punched the wall, leaving a small scar on the wall.Frustrated and angry she walked to her window. Her hatred for Ladybug made her even more desperate.  Lila wanted to hurt Marinette in any way possible. No one could hold her back.

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