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~A day later~

Marinette finally went to school on time. But the akumatized villain from last night is not making things any better. She was really tired. Suddenly in the middle of the lesson, she fell asleep. Dreaming about fighting a though villain. She was jumping over the rooftops of Paris chasing a akumatized villain. But suddenly he dissapeared. Ladybug looked around but the villain was nowhere to be found. She felt a hand reaching to her earrings. Marinette immediantly snapped out of her dreams. Without Marinette realizing that she is awake, she grabbed the hand that was reaching out for her. And twisted it with all her force. "Ouch!" someone said. Immediantly Marinette realized that she was not dreaming anymore. And worse, it was Adrien who she was hurting! Marinette immediantly let go of his arm. "Oh my! I am so sorry Adrien! It was a reflex." Marinette said in panick. Adrien laughed as he hold his arm. "It is okay, Marinette!" he answered. Marinette's face was all red. "I just wanted to ask you something." Adrien said.

Lila was watching them from the back row. At this point she wanted to scream. "They just won't stop acting stupid!" she said under her breath. She clenched her fist. If it was only Marinette standing there, she would have attacked her. But then another idea filled her mind.

Marinette and her friends were sitting together at lunch. She sat right next her best friend, Alya. Marinette became more awake during the day, but still she was very tired. But suddenly she realized that her phone got a message. It was a unknown number. Confused Marinette opened the message. "It is probably someone who got the number wrong." she thought. But she was wrong. it was a video with a message. Marinette's face turned all pale, like she had seen a ghost. This was not what she had expected. It was a video of Marinette transforming into Ladybug! She almost dropped her phone by seeing the video. With her shaky hands she scrolled down to read the message. "Meet me behind the school, or else this recording will go straight to the news." Marinette's eyes widened in horror. She had to go or else her secret will be out and Shadow Moth will go after her. Marinette had a small panick attack. Adrien who sat in front of her noticed Marinette. Marinette was completely distracted when Adrien tapped on her shoulder. "Are you okay?" he asked. "Huh? Yeah, i am fine. I am completely okay." Marinette said in a hurry. "Sorry, i gotta go." Before Adrien could react to Marinette, she ran away. Adrien was suspicious of Marinette, he had never seen her like this before. And she never just ran away like that! Something was off... 

Adrien excused himself to go to the restrooms. As soon as he entered the restrooms, Plagg came out of his jacket. "What was that all about?" asked Plagg. "I know right! Why did Marinette act so weird?" answered Adrien "I am not talking about Marinette, i am talking about why you left the cheese from Nino's bread?!" Plagg shouted. Adrien sighed. "Why do you always think about your cheese?" Adrien asked as he shaked his head. 

Marinette walked afraid behind the school. Not knowing what is going to happen, she still went there. Her secret cannot get published. Her shaky legs took the last steps to get behind the school. Someone was standing there, leaning against the wall. It was Lila! "Lila!?" Marinette said in horror. "Well, you finally came. Quite a suprise, huh?" said Lila. "What do you want, Lila" Marinette said. She tried to sound firmly but all she could sound like was soft and hesitant. "I want you to stay away from Adrien." Lila said frustrated. Marinette was confused and scared. Why did she want her to stay away from Adrien? "I have been watching you every single time." Lila said as she came closer to Marinette. "You two keep getting closer! So, i followed you. I knew you were hiding something." she continued. "Why would y-you want me to stay away from him?" Marinette stuttered. She was slowly backing away as Lila got closer. "Do you want me to upload the recording to the internet?" asked Lila with a teasing voice. "No! Fine, i will stay away from Adrien" Marinette shouted. Lila's face lit up as she said: "No wait, you're gonna do what i tell you to. And you better not resist." Marinette hesitated. "Fine, ill do what you say. Just dont upload the video to the internet." said Marinette

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