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Marinette opened her eyes. Everything was blurry. 'What exactly happened' she thought. It took her a second to realize that she was in her room. Her room was filled with yellow lights. She could see from the windows that it was night. Luckily her head did not hurt as much than before. But how did she get in her bed?

She sat up holding her head as she looked around. She found a black figure on the other side of the bed. With a blurry vision, she could not see what or who it was. Once she focused she found out it was Cat Noir! "Did Cat Noir found me?" she thought. But before she could think more, Cat Noir woke up. "Marinette!" Cat Noir said suprised. He came a bit closer. "How are you feeling?" he asked worried. Marinette clearly was not very awake yet. She just wanted to go back to sleep again. 

"Huh?" said Marinette confused. Cat Noir repeated his question. Now it hit her. "I- uhm, yeah?" answered Marinette. They were both staring into his eyes. His green eyes made Marinette memorized. But suddenly Cat Noir pulled her into a hug. "Dont ever scare me like that!" said Cat Noir. Now Marinette remembered that she was unconsious on her balcony. Cat Noir must have saw her! 

A hour has past. Cat Noir was still there. He must have forgotten the time. But Marinette was grateful for his company. Even tho he kept asking questions. Marinette did not even care anymore about the time. Cat Noir was all that matter to her right now. They kept talking for a long time. She kept looking into his green eyes, they were so beautiful. Slowly she developed a crush on him. Marinette would deny it but she just could'nt. His smile, his kindness and his company made Marinette feel warm. "Why did i reject him as Ladybug?" she thought.

~Adriens pov~

I stared into her beautiful eyes as she stared into mine. I always felt like Marinette and i were more than just friends. But now i know why. She is always there for others and she has a great personality. I can't deny it anymore, i think i love her. Man, i wish i could just kiss her right now. We both were talking and laughing as i slowly moved closer to her. I felt comfortable with Marinette. But suddenly our moment got disturbed by loud noise coming from his ring. Really, right now, Plagg? "What was that?" Marinette asked. "Uh, i am about to transform back any second now. Is there any chance you have some cheese?" i said. 

As i transformed back into Cat Noir, i found Marinette sleeping in her bed. She must be tired form this day. I covered her with her blanket and left her room. He could'nt stop smiling on his way home. He never realized his feelings for her till tonight. But then i realized that i had fencing early in the morning tomorrow. And it was 1 AM! But i just could not sleep. I kept thinking about Marinette.

The next morning Nathalie woke me up early in the morning. I got up but i was not looking forward for my fencing practise. Even in the weekends i cant have any rest. after getting ready, i got into the limo. But as soon the limo started to drive, i fell asleep in the car, leaning on the window.

~nobody's pov~

Nathalie saw Adrien sleeping in the car. She knew that he was way to tired to go the fencing practice that early. So she called Gabriel Agreste to convince him to let Adrien rest for this day. Luckily he agreed. Nathalie woke Adrien gently up to tell him that fencing practice was canceled. He was relieved that he had free today. They drove back home, and as soon Adrien entered his room he immediantely flopped on his bed and closed his eyes. 

Marinette opened her eyes. She felt not sleepy anymore. But she kept thinking about Cat Noir. Her feelings for him made her even more confused. She grabbed her phone to see how late it was. It was still morning. Outside her window was it still dark. She climbed outside her bed and got ready. It was saturday, so she took out her sketchbook and started to work on some designs. She did not know how much time has past, but suddenly she heard a knock on her window. It was Cat Noir! She went to open the window but she got a little to excited. Because she crashed straight into the wall. There was a loud thud that even Cat Noir could hear from the outside. Marinette quickly got herself up and opened her window. She tried to act like nothing has happened, but his smile did not make things any easier. Marinette let him in and they both sat down on her bed. 

~Marinettes pov~

We both were talking and laughing. And i was again staring into his eyes. I wonder if he had noticed that i was sort of staring him into his soul. But he did not look like he actually cared. The first lights of the day shined through my window. "So what were you doing before i came here?" he asked. That question snapped me back to earth. "Oh! i-I was just sketching something, its nothing important." i answered nervously. Why am i stuttering? 

~nobody's pov~

After some time Cat Noir and Marinette were sitting really close to eachother. Without realizing her hands were touching. But as soon they realized, they both pulled quickly away. Both their faces were red as an tomato. They stared at eachother for some time. Marinette did not realize that she and Cat Noir slowly got closer. Untill their lips touched eachother. Marinette felt her heart pump faster as they kissed. 

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