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~Adriens pov~

Shoot! Did she want this to happen? I quickly pulled away from the kiss. Marinette's face was red and shocked. Her reaction is kinda vague. "I am so sorry. I completely understand that you did not want this!" i stuttered nervously. But before i could even say more, our lips touched again. But this time it was not as akward as the first time. I closed my eyes. I placed my arms around her waist as we kissed. 

~nobody's pov~

It has been a few days since Cat Noir and Marinette were together. Her parents were over the moon when they found out their daugther had met someone. But it was still hard for Marinette. Was she still in love with Adrien. Or did she suddenly get over it since she kept stuttering around him. Those thoughts made Marinette confused. 

She could finally came back to school. Marinette was very excited to see her friends again. Untill she remembered that she still had to deal with Lila. What if Lila will get revenge? Marinette gulped as she walked to school. She was very early this time. Her friends were not at school yet. Marinette walked into the empty locker room. Suddenly someone was standing behind her. Marinette quickly turned around to see Lila standing there. "Lila!" said Marinette terrified. She looked like she had no sleep at all. And her face was raging mad. Before Marinette could say more, Lila had her whrist pinned against the lockers. Marinette was struggeling to get out but Lila did not move away. "You took everything away from me!" Lila shouted. "Because of you, the whole school hates me! And my chances with Adrien are gone!" she continued. "But i will make sure your life will be as horrible as mine."

Marinette was shocked at Lila's outburst. She had seen Lila mad many times before but now Lila was crossing the line. Marinette was worried about what was gonna happen next. 

The whole school day was horrible for Marinette. She kept having small panick attacks because of Lila. When she explained to Alya what happened, she was in shock. During lunch Marinette even ran to the bathroom because she could not hold it back anymore. Alya tried to comfort her but it did not work very well. Adrien was curious to see why Marinette suddenly fled. But he did not follow her. 

When school was finally over, Marinette immedianetly ran back home. She did not face her parents when she walked to her room. Marinette fell on her bed as her eyes started to fill with tears. Tikki flew out of her bag to see what was wrong. "Marinette? What happened?" she asked. "It is Lila. I just can't deal with this anymore." said Marinette. She started to sob loudly. Tikki felt bad for her and worried. If her secret got out, she would be in terrible danger. What if ShadowMoth got a hold of her Miraculous? Marinette's head was buried into her knees as she silently cried. Tears were rolling down her cheek. Suddenly there was a knock on her window. It was Cat Noir!

~Adriens pov~

Marinette did not open the window. Why is she not opening? I decided to open it myself. But when i opened it, i saw Marinette with her head buried in her knees. Something was wrong. Is she crying? I immediantely went to Marinette. "Are you okay?" i asked. there were tears coming from her cheeks. I have never seen her this broken before. I pulled in her in for a hug as i wrapped my arms around her. My heart just broke by seeing her state. Marinette hugged me back tightly. I did not wanna ask her why she is crying. Maybe she just did not wanna tell anyone. We just stayed silent as we hugged. I looked down at her. She had her eyes closed. Is she sleeping? She must be exhausted. Gently, i laid her in her bed. And gave her a little kiss on the cheek as i went away.

It started raining when i returned back home. "Claws in" i said as i de-transformed. "Finally, you de-transformed. Do you have to stay that long?!" Plagg whined. I sighed as i sat down on the cough. As i gave him some cheese, Plagg kept telling me to give me more. Tired, I fell down on my bed. 

The next day i woke up with a notification on my phone. I was to sleepy to even look at it, so just put it away. After some time i decided to open it to see what it is. It was from the news! "Breaking news! A anominous person leaked this video of Ladybug to the media." A video of Marinette transforming into Ladybug appeared on screen.

My eyes widened in shock. I felt my heart pump faster. Ladybug is the same person as Marinette! And now.. Everyone knows it. Oh no. Marinette is in danger!

~Nobody's pov~

"You are Ladybug?" Sabine said shocked. "Mom, i know its hard to belie-" Marinette sentence got interrupted by her dad. "How did you got your powers?" he asked. "Dad, i-" Marinette stuttered. Before Marinette could say more, loads of reporters were standing in front of the closed bakery. Everyone wanted to ask Ladybug anything. Marinette and her parents ran down to the bakery to see all those reporters in front of the door. Marinette was terrified. 

Marinette ran upstairs in panick. "Lila must have done this." she thought. She locked herself up in her room as tears streamed down her face. "I should have been more careful." shouted Marinette. Tikki tried to comfort her but Tikki does not know how to fix this. Marinette sat on the ground crying in defeat. She heard loads of people outside. Suddenly the door from her balcony opened. It was Cat Noir! He had a worried look on his face. "I am so sorry Cat Noir. I should have been more careful." Marinette said in tears. "I have been lying to everyone i know. I must have been the worst Ladybug ever." she continued. But Cat Noir did not answer. He just wrapped his arms around her as she cried in his chest.

 "It's all going to be okay. I promise." he whispered

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