Alice at trial

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"I got you, don't worry," Jin whispered to me, effectively breaking the grasp that this man had on me. He looked like he wanted to do more to help but with us being in the courtroom it was not the best place to show intimate affection so he settled on having his hand on mine, a subtle but still effective action. We needed to be on the good side of the judge if this was going to go our way even if that meant sacrificing some of our normal rituals.

And without much time going by, we were full into the case. I had a hard time concentrating on the words that were flung from the lawyers, most being words in Korean that I had never heard in my life and was properly not gonna be hearing after this. It felt isolating to be out of it in your own case but I trusted my mates knew what was going on and made sure that the best outcome would come out of this so I was not too worried.

I looked over at where I knew he was sitting, Jin blocking most of him and I couldn't help but to feel that it was unfair that he even got to try and justify his actions no matter how fair it needed to be. They had been unforgivable, a thing that could never have been made fair again despite whatever sentence he ended up getting. He needed to suffer for what he had done to me no matter how evil that may sound. He had taken everything away from me and I lost so much time because of him that I will never be able to get back. He needed to be punished.

It took some time but finally both lawyers were done presenting the case to the jury and it was now time for the witnesses, first of many. The first to get up there was a person from the company that seemed to know him who was clearly saying that he was definitely being set up by us and that we were about to ruin a good man's life because of simple greed and power. That was all I needed to hear before I zoned out completely, knowing that hearing what they were saying would only make me more sad.

This went on for a long time, both of the sides going back and forth questioning the people that came up to the stand. Namjoon, Jin and Seungkwan also went up, each on their own telling their side of the story to the best of their ability. It was hard hearing this as this was the first time I ever heard it from their side and I felt silent tears fall down on my cheeks as I listened to the heartache they were purring out up there.

I remembered of scared I was that day myself and had been mostly focusing inwards but hearing Seungkwan tell what happened from his side and how he was almost frozen in time unable to do anything as his mates were hurt in front of him and how he for a long time blamed himself for that to have happened, made my heart ache.

It was soon my turn and I dreaded it but first it was his turn. He walked slowly up to the stand, ready to be questioned as everyone else prior to him had been and seeing him properly for the first time in a long time made me want to throw up. He sighed, faking his sadness as if he had not done all of these horrible things to me. It was so unfair that his side even was allowed to be heard, he did not deserve to be recognised at all so why? Why did the evil men get to stand on trial and plead their innocence like this?

"So Mr. Lee, do you know Miss Kingsleigh over here?" Pointing towards me and I felt his eyes on me, those dead eyes that seemed to hold so much emotion to the point where it felt uncomfortable and I wanted to hide away from his gaze.

"I do," a small quiver went to his voice, like it was affecting him. I could feel as Jin that was still right beside me squeezed my hand in comfort except it offered almost none at this moment.

"And what is your relation to Miss Kingsleigh if I may ask?" their lawyer continued, as if this was just a normal person, it made me want to laugh hysterically.

"We worked at the same place, Hype that is. I was a janitor and she was a manager there."

"Aaahhh, I see. Now Mr. Lee, tell me, when did your relationship with Miss. Kingsleigh progress?" Relationship?! There had been no relationship between the two of us! It made me wanna scream though I knew I could not.

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