First time

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Slowly, wen kexing's hands began to wander on him. He was slightly uneasy, but the man didn't have even a tiny bit of a joking overtone; all he did was constantly call his name, as if highly uncertain, bringing with a slight terror and desperation. Zhou zishu sighed on the inside, thinking, screw it, he's so pitiful. I'll let him, just this once.

While whispering his name, Wen kexing started to kiss his shoulder blades, slowly bringing his mouth to suck on the other's neck, marking him, and finally kissing him on his lips. His breath was uneven, lips quivered as if he was scared.

Wen Kexing's mind was a mess after remembering all the things that he went through.
He never thought that he would meet someone who would become this dear to him.

He kissed Zhou zishu slowly and gently. Hands untying the other's inner robe as pushed him to lie on bed.

Manor Lord Zhou has never in his life imagined a day would come where he has to hand himself to someone and be in a position where he is now not to mention it was his first time and he was trying his best to relax.

Wen Kexing's eyes were wandering on the body in front of him. His breath hitched as he saw the marks left by the nails.
Slowly, he reached out to touch them, as if he was afraid it would hurt.

Wen kexing was a type of person who never cared about anyone, casually hunting and killing people.
No one stopped him. Who would dare to? After all, he was the valley master, but who would have guessed that after meeting just one person, he would begin to feel emotions that were only meant for humans.The more he stayed with him, the more he found himself being consumed by these emotions.

Zhou zishu his Ah-xu who made him human again.
Who taught him how to smile.

He could not believe how close he was to lose him.
After finding someone who understood him, accepted him only to vanish in a blink of an eye. 

Wen kexing was scared, scared to death. What will happen to him if other won't be around?

After getting his revenge what will be left with him? Nothing, even his Ah-xu won't be there. After being deprived of love his whole life, he finally got to experience it just to....
It was like the universe was mocking him.

Eyes unfocused, while clenching his fist, he gulped down his saliva. There was no way he could live without other.

As if Zhou zishu sensed what he was thinking, he reached out to hold his hand and press it against his chest " what are you thinking? It doesn't hurt anymore"

Wen kexing looked at him for a long while, remembering how thin Zhou zishu used to look, how skeletal his frame was but now the person laying in front of him was different, his health has improved, his Ah-xu has recovered.

He nodded slowly "yes , it won't hurt anymore " 
He gently caressed Zhou zishu's cheeks, slowly bringing his hand down to his chest to pinch his nipples. 

Zhou Zishu was taken aback. He had never  been touched like this. He was trying his best to remain calm as Wen Kexing's hands were reaching downwards. He was about to speak when Wen Kexing  kissed him suddenly and removed their remaining clothes.

Before Zhou zishu could process, a hand gently started to stroke his dick.
Eyes closed, lips slightly apart, his breath became heavy as wen kexing increased his pace.

Wen Kexing was staring at him, mesmerized. How ethereal his Ah-xu looked at this moment. It was not his first time sleeping with someone, but the wave of emotions he's experiencing right now can't be compared to anything else. He thought these feelings couldn't be compared to the mere feeling of lust; it was much more than that. It was .....'love'. That's what he felt for the other.

Manor lord zhou , whose mind was clouded, felt a finger rubbing his hole. He opened his eyes just to see Wen kexing starring at him.
He was so embarrassed that he covered his eyes and turned his face away. Wen kexing brought his face near to his ear. His hot breath made the hairs on Zhou Zishu's body stand as he heard a deep voice, "Ah-xu."

He gathered his courage to look more thick-skinned and said in a monotonous voice. "What?"

"Look at me"






"Ah-xu" said wen kexing, as he bit and sucked on his earlobe.

"Look at me"

Zhou zishu was about to curse when wen kexing slowly pushing his finger inside.
He moved Zhou zishu's hand aside to kiss him passionately,

He kissed his forehead, lips, neck. Slowly bringing mouth to suck on Zhou zishu's nipples, while adding his fingers, one after another.

Wen kexing's heart was full. His eyes were still wet, emotions were all over the place as pushed his dick inside and gently started to thrust.

Zhou Zishu took his time to adjust to this new feeling. It was hurting like hell,but he was such a person who would prefer to jump off the cliff rather than tell others that he was in pain. So, he endured it. While stabilising his breath, he tried to relax.

 Hair tangling , when their heads were rubbing together , the man only muttered to him with the bit of entreaty "Ah-xu don't ever leave me"

Zhou zishu was in daze he couldn't believe how much wen kexing has changed, he used to keep his feelings hidden, no one knew what he was thinking; even he himself had doubts about his intentions but now he's opening up to him.

Wen kexing gradually increased his speed.
kissing and biting him all over. Not a single corner of Zhou Zishu's body was left untouched by him.

Zhou Zishu threw his head back after he got the taste of pleasure.
He was trying his best to suppress his moans, but only to fail miserably. Feeling of lust took over him.

'Fuck it' he thought, as he grabbed wen kexing by his hair to kiss him hungrily. If they are doing it then he should become shameless too and enjoy it.

Heavy breathing, skin slapping, muffled sounds filled the room.
Both of them held each other tight kissing, sucking and biting. Leaving marks to declare their affection, to declare that they belong to each other.


I just want to thank you all for giving me your  precious time💕.
I can't express how much it means to me.💞

At first I was very nervous about posting, but now I'll try my best to improve and provide you all with satisfactory work.

If you have any feedback or suggestions, feel free to tell me.💓

I will be back with a new chapter soon till then Stay safe and love you all❄️

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