Arc One - Not again

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At the entrance of the village, there was a beautiful shrine. covered with flowers and offerings. The scent from incense sticks made the whole area flowery.

"It's so big!" Zhang Chengling said.

Zhou Zishu went to take a close look.
"Hmmm.. it's all decorated with flowers, so beautiful, it must be of madam Jiayi."

"I think they like cultivators, Ah-xu, will they give us discount if we tell them we are cultivators too?"

Zhou zishu laughed, "Who knows, let's go!"

The whole village was very lively, with people constantly buying and selling things with enthusiasm.It was evident that people were excited to celebrate their festival.

"Shifu look! they are selling sweets!"

"First we should look-"

Before he could finish, Wen Kexing dragged Zhang Chengling to that stall.
"Come on, let's try them!"

"-for a place to stay," Zhou zishu sighed and followed them.

"Senior!! It's so delicious." Zhang Chengling smiled.

"Don't eat too much, we have to try other things too." Wen kexing then turned to Zhou zishu and asked, "Why are you standing like a statue? Come here and try this!"

"No, I'm still full for-."

"Ah!! Little Tyke, let's go there."
Both of them disappeared in a blink of an eye, and just as Zhou zishu was about to follow them, he heard the street vendor say, "Sir, you haven't paid yet."


Looking at the two of them enjoying themselves so much, Zhou Zishu smiled softly.
After everything, they were finally living a normal life.

It didn't take too long for the smile to disappear as he saw a girl who was carrying logs lose her balance and crash into Zhang Chengling.
He sighed and hurried towards them.

The girl was around 15 or 16, wearing not so clean clothes; her hands were rough; and from the look of her, she looked really tired.

Wen Kexing caught all the logs very skillfully with one hand while the other still held on to the sweets.

The girl realised that if Wen Kexing hadn't caught them in time, it would have fallen on their heads.

"Now you've forgotten to balance yourself too..."

She heard another voice and turned to look at Zhou Zishu who had his arms crossed in front of his chest.

Zhang Chengling stood abruptly.
"Shifu i-"

The girl sighed internally. ' I'm clearly being ignored by them.'

"Where are your manners?" Zhou Zishu spoke.

"Ah!" Zhang Chengling looked at the girl, who was still on the ground.
"I'm sorry, miss. I should've seen you." He put his hand out for that girl.
"Please Miss, get up; a lady like you shouldn't sit like this."

The girl's eyes widened as she blushed.

Zhou Zishu was stunned. "W-- who taught you to talk like that?"

Behind Zhang Chengling, Wen Kexing smiled innocently.

"Hah! Why did I even ask?" He sighed for the nth time.

"Are you okay, young lady?" Wen Kexing asked.

The girl still had a blush on her face. 'I think little Tyke just found a wife' he chuckled a bit.

"Yes i-"

"Are you cultivators?"
A man who was passing by saw the incident, he couldn't wait to inquire.

Wen Kexing deliberately deepened his voice and said in a firm way, "Yes, we are."

Zhou Zishu scoffed.

The girl was looking at them with big, round doe eyes filled with admiration.
"Wow! You all are cultivators!" 

People started to gather around them.
"Our madam Jiayi was a cultivator too!"

"It's good to see cultivators in real life."

"Young men, where are you all staying?"

"We haven't decided yet."

"Ah! Hey, Mei, take them to tavern and please Mister, stay here for the time being and enjoy the festival."
On their way-

Zhou Zishu glanced at the girl and asked "So your name is Mei."

"Yes, i live with my uncle and aunt and help them with the work. They own a tavern" she smiled.

Zhou Zishu understood she was an orphan. her torn clothes, carrying these heavy logs, and working at a tavern with people constantly ordering her around.
He felt bad for her.

His gaze was drawn to Zhang Chengling.
'Life is really not fair.'
Haven't you both eaten enough? Don't come to me when your stomach hurts.

Three of them were sitting in the dining area: Wen Kexing and Zhang Chengling both had their mouths full of steam buns.

People in tavern too were not leaving them alone, constantly coming to them.
-Ah, you are cultivators. I heard something something our madam was too something something.-

All this attention got Zhou Zishu annoyed. He waited for the right time to sneak out, but a hand grabbed him by the waist.

"Where are you going?"

"Let me go before someone else comes to us again."

Just then, Mei arrived with a bowl full of dry fruits and was shocked to see them in that position.
It was her first time witnessing a man being wrapped in another man's arms.
Her face was heated with embarrassment. She spoke awkwardly, "I—I—Dryfruits!"
She hurriedly put the dry fruits on the table and ran away.

With Wen Kexing always publicly showing his affection, somehow Zhou Zishu got used to getting reactions like this.
So he paid her no mind.

"What was the need to tell them, look they are not leaving us alone"

"It was much needed Ah-xu, they are serving us free food." He said this while grabbing a handful of nuts.
" Ah!! Look, it has walnuts too!! here eat it.."

"What the fuck, put it away!"

At night

Everyone gathered around the lake to watch the play where they showed how Madam Jiayi had locked Liu's soul inside her body and sacrificed herself.
Wen Kexing had his hand wrapped around Zhou Zishu's shoulder and was enjoying this moment very much.
"Ah-xu y-"
Before he could finish his sentence, a scream was heard.

Near the tree, a woman was on the ground pointing upwards with trembling hands.
Where hung a body of a young man.His face was pale, eyes bulging out, mouth open. It looked like someone had sucked his life out.
Upon looking at the body both of them sighed.
'not again'


Hello there!
Hope you all are having a very good day.

English is not my first language so I hope you will understand.
I've tried my best not to make mistakes.

I promise next chapter is going to be interesting

I'll be back with a new chapter soon till then take care 🔥

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