past- zzs

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'So beautiful'
The beauty of Jiangnan cannot be described, even at this late hour, one can see beauty in the darkness. 
Moonlight fell on the river, making it look eternal. Fireflies danced across the leaves as a gentle breeze brushed them off, and the quietness, which contained peace.

"My Lord, what should we do now?" A voice came from behind, and the man bowed to show him respect.
"Kill them."
Tearing away his gaze from the beauty of Jiangnan, he returned to his harsh reality.

The only time he got to experience this beautiful scene was when he had to assassinate someone.
Manor Lord Zhou stood over the mansion of a lord, which belonged to Tian Chuang.

It didn't take long for the mansion, which was full of life, to become silent. Cries and begging to spare their children remained unheard as the bloodbath continued.
A gentle splash can be seen as his foot touches the blooded ground. The area was full of the dead bodies of people he once knew.
He went inside to meet the former lord of Tian Chuang.

The room was filled with men who surrounded the former lord, who was holding his wife's dead body. crying and cursing everyone.
"Greetings, brother Da."
Upon seeing Zhou Zishu, who was all composed like he didn't know him at all, looking down on him without any expression, he snapped-

"What the fuck do you want? If you wanted to kill someone, it should be me. Why kill my family? What else do you want?"

"It's not like I wanted to do this, it was you who betrayed our capital."

"Betrayed? How have I betrayed anyone? I accept that I used the funds for my pleasure, but does that mean I deserve this? You could have removed me from my position or killed me. Why kill my family, my brothers, everyone? Have I not done things for Tian Chuang? Was I not loyal? Just this mistake made the emperor kill my whole family?"

"I'm only following orders from the emperor."
"ZHOU ZIS-" before he could finish his words, his throat was slashed by him.
"Clear the bodies."

Zhou Zishu was barely over 15 when he became the lord; at such a young age, he learned to assassinate. 
He had everything.
Whether it is money or reputation, the only thing he didn't have is peace.

He had killed everyone who got corrupt and plotted against the capital, it is not wrong to say he had killed innocents too. without showing any sympathy.
Zhou Zishu had always felt suffocated whenever he had to do things like this, he just wanted to go somewhere far away from these things.

Upon reaching his manor, he saw his shidi waiting for him -Liang jiuxiao 
They knew each other since they were kids.
Liang jiuxiao was under Zhou Zishu to learn Qinggong. He was a lovable kid who loved playing and chatting, which annoyed Zhou Zishu.
It took Jiuxiao a long time to maintain space in Zhou Zishu's heart, and once they became close, he in some ways had become Zhou Zishu's only solace as they depended on each other to live on.
Liang Jiuxiao was his beloved little brother, for whom he could throw away his life without any hesitation.

"Why are you standing here? Let's go inside."
"Why did you do that brother?"
Zhou Zishu froze, he knew what he was talking about.
"Why did you kill him?"
"He betrayed the capital" Zhou Zishu said without any expression 

"You should've only killed him, why would you kill his entire family? His daughter was only 3 years old!"
"It was the emperor's order"
"What are you all after, really? Power? The throne? Glory and wealth? Your fate will not end well if you continue down this road, please snap out of it!"
He paused a little and started at Zhou zishu -
"An eye for an eye is how it is,big brother..."
And then he left zhou zishu. With his words constantly ringing in his ears- an eye for an eye.

Zhou Zishu smiled bitterly. 'Even you won't understand me.' He took a deep breath. 'it's fine.'
Maybe this was the time when their relationship started to crumble. The brother whom Liang Jiuxiao had admired from childhood suddenly became the villain in his eyes.

A few days later.
"Where is Jiuxiao?"
"The Emperor has sent the troop on a mission, and I'm afraid my Lord has to wait until they return."
"Let me know when he comes back."
"Yes, my lord"
"My lord."
"Did he return?"
"My lord, he's....."
Zhou Zishu went to the yard where bodies were wrapped.
He froze when he saw the dead body of Liang Jiuxiao. His head was removed from his body. The cloth he was covered in was soaked in blood and dirt. His fist held tightly onto something.
Upon looking closely, Zhou zishu saw it was a chain, which had been given to him when they were kids.

Zhou Zishu's face didn't show any expression.
"Make sure to give them a proper burial."
And then he left.
Upon reaching his room, he went to change his clothes, He splashed water from the bowl to wash his face. He splashed it again and again and again and again and again before throwing the bowl in rage.

Water splattered all over the floor, reflecting his grieved expression. He sat down, looking at his reflection, 'jiuxiao' tears started to fall, it was the first time in his life that he had cried, and he cried for a long time.
Before getting up
'what is the point of living a life like this? '
Where he had everything but was still deprived of freedom, where he could not smile, where he had to plot against someone day and night, the only person he loved the most, his little brother, died.

A few months later.

Upon entering his room, Zhou Zishu ruffled through his clothes to take out a small box. He sat down to open it.
The box contained three autumn nails of seven acupunctures.
It took months for Zhou Zishu to realise something, a secret that he had never told anyone, he knew how to lower the effect of these nails. He would retain his consciousness for 3 years with half his core strength, but death would be inevitable.

Zhou Zishu always wanted to leave the capital and roam around the world like a wanderer, tasting every wine, whether it was cheap or expensive, and cursing whenever he wanted. No one would be there to judge him.
' Three years, I'd get three years to live and to die in peace '
Zhou Zishu grabbed the knife and stabbed it on his abdomen, not too deeply, and pressed the nail inside.

The poison from the nail got accumulated in his blood, making it hard for him to breathe and causing immeasurable pain to take over his body to the point where he could only grit his teeth.
After a long while, the pain subsided and his body was covered in sweat.
He tried to stabilise his breathing and smiled.
'Finally, I'll be able to find peace.'


Hello there!

How are you all?
hope you are having a great day

If you have any suggestion or feedback feel free to tell me :)

I'll be back with a new chapter soon till then take care!

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