If You Hate Israel, this Chapter Will Give You a Brain Aneurism

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~This chapter is brought to you by a lot of stupidity I happened to see online. Don't say I didn't warn you.~

Is the Bible what we would call "pro-Israel," meaning it teaches the land of Israel is the Jewish homeland? I would say the answer is clearly yes. So clear, that to believe otherwise would be to believe the Old Testament is old news, or else reinterpret and twist the scripture. So before we look at what the Bible says, I want to get the following out of the way:

You cannot undermine over half of the Bible and still call yourself a Christian. To strip the Old Testament away is to remove the foundation for the New Testament. Recall: the Old Testament was the Bible of the early Christians and authors of the New Testament.

God means what He says and God never changes His mind. While covenants are fulfilled, they are never broken. God never goes back on His word or breaks His promises because He is holy.

When reading the Bible, it is important to keep everything in context. It is poor scholarship to read the Old Testament and reinterpret the message God has given us.

Lastly... If God can give up on His promises to the Jewish people, He can give up on the church. Israel has failed over and over again, but so has the church as a whole (otherwise, explain the Reformation). As Christians we have faith not in our community or ourselves but the faithfulness of God.

I trust you understand and agree with these four reasons. From this point on, I don't want to see comments saying, "This is the Old Testament so it doesn't count!" As we read the following verses, keep in mind the list is by no means exhaustive of either the Old or New Testaments.

If you read the verse below carefully, it should be sufficient proof for this chapter. Notice especially the underlined wording.

Psalm 105:5-11

Remember the wonders He has done,

His miracles, and the judgements He pronounced

you his servants, the descendants of Abraham,

His chosen ones, the children of Jacob.

He is the Lord our God;

His judgments are in all the earth.

He remembers His covenant forever,

the promise He made, for a thousand generations,

the covenant He made with Abraham,

the oath He swore to Isaac.

"Okay," you might reply. "We can see that God promises to forever remember His covenant with Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and their descendents. But this has nothing to do with the land of Israel today!" Some Christians believe this. However, it is very obvious in the Bible that the land of Israel is included in the covenant between God and the Jews. For example, the remaining verses of Psalm 105:

He confirmed it to Jacob as a decree,

to Israel as an everlasting covenant:

"To you I will give the land of Canaan

as the portion you will inherit."

What is the everlasting covenant? As the verse says, it is the land of Canaan. I wonder where that is... Canada? No. Definitely not the Promised Land (The Promised Land is flowing with milk and honey, not bacon and maple syrup).

Something I have noticed anti-Israel people say is that Jews today are not the same people God made a covenant with. But this is a dumb argument. If the Jews today are not Jews, then you are once again saying God failed to keep His promise. Because not only does the land of Israel no longer belong to them, they no longer exist! The Jews today are real Jews. Just because they are many different races doesn't mean they don't share a common ethnicity and religious culture. Gene pools change over time, especially if you get scattered around the world. Keep in mind that non-Jews are allowed to convert to Judaism. Some Egyptians joined the Israelites as they exited Egypt (Exodus 12:38). Ruth, a Moabite, converted to Judaism. Same with Rahab, the former prostitute and Canaanite. And Moses married an Ethiopian woman (Numbers 12:1). Are the children of Moses not real Jews? Be careful with what you say... you don't want to contract a case of leprosy.

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