Stereotypes of Atheists

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Formerly entitled "Strange and Contradicting Things About Atheism"

Note from older Ellie: I wrote this chapter when I was younger and less-nuanced. I wouldn't stand by everything I wrote here, however I think these are some good points to be made. For example, while atheists can and do have a "cause" or a purpose, there is no lasting impact or meaning beyond humanity's short time in the universe. And if I were to rewrite this chapter, I would reword the idea that the atheist's god is the self. While this is true in that atheists follow what they think is right rather than what God thinks, this wording makes it sound like I am saying atheists worship themselves or are self-centered, which is mostly untrue.

The above reasons and others are why I renamed this chapter. If you are an atheist, feel free to leave your thoughts and/or corrections so we can have a more mature discussion!

1) They are a cause without, well, a cause. They do not believe in any ultimate purpose in life other than what they deem for themselves. And once their life's work has been finished, they will die and become nothingness, because nothing lasts forever.

2) They are a religion with no god to serve but their own selves. Atheism is a religion because it is a "cause, principle, or system of beliefs held to with ardor and faith."

3) They do not believe in right or wrong, because right or wrong is relative and flexible. There is no real sin because there is no true basis for morality.

4) It takes a massive amount of faith to believe in. Think about it: Atheists state there is absolutely no God or gods, and while this cannot be proven or disproven, the statement that there cannot possibly be a god is a very risky bet to take. It's kind of like me saying that at the moment, there are no existing atoms of Astatine (a very short lived and rare element) anywhere on earth.

5) If I, as a Christian, die, and the atheists were right, I have no loss. However, if the atheists die and Christians were right, they suffer eternal loss. (For the atheists that say this is a fear tactic: Oh, yeah it's a fear tactic! And you better believe I am afraid. Just because you are afraid to jump off a cliff doesn't mean there is nothing harmful about jumping off. We have fear so we can survive.)

6) I mentioned before that atheists do not have a cause. They will deny this, often saying their cause is free-thinking. If that is so, why are atheists so eager to espouse their beliefs to the religious in hopes of overturning them? Why do they really care so much if there is no loss for doing and believing anything? Why do they spend thousands of dollars on billboards that advertise their beliefs? Why do they write so many books against religion and God? Seems kind of desperate to me.

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